
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
I can't pass a book sale, and don't like to throw out books (except for the ones that turned out to be crap). So I cling on to more of them than I probably should. I don't have all of them with me - some of them are still sitting back at a previous home. I'll get them all back together someday.
Sobre mí
Some favourite books - most of which I own, but some I don't - include: Candide (Voltaire); Middlemarch (Eliot); The Origin Of Species (Darwin); Where The Wild Things Are (Sendak); Perfume (Suskind); if on a winter's night a traveller (Calvino); Orlando (Woolf); Brokeback Mountain (Proulx); Lolita (Nabokov).

Some favourite writers are Chuck Palahniuk, Gore Vidal, Virginia Woolf, E M Forster, Edmund White, Umberto Eco, Evelyn Waugh, David Sedaris, H G Wells.

Favourite series: Harry Potter; Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy; Thursday Next.

Authors I've read the most of, in declining order, are: Agatha Christie (top of the list with 12 books read at last count), Gore Vidal, Edmund White, Douglas Adams, Shakespeare, H G Wells, J K Rowling, Chuck Palahniuk, Umberto Eco, Clive James, David Sedaris, Charles Dickens, and Julian Barnes.
Sydney, Australia
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