Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
I come from a family of book omnivores. Thank goodness I have books or I'd be forced to read cereal boxes!

I'll only catalog my books and some of my son's but the whole family has lots of 'em. Since we love books and book-dom as much as any particular topic, some of our books tend to be a bit esoteric, too. I'm very happy to have met Library Thing although it's a bit mind-blowing to look through my library and to see how many books are from, like, 1980 and haven't been read since!

Sobre mí
I was raised first on a farm in Minnesota and then (post-divorce) by "wannabe" hippies in the California Mountains during the seventies. Now I am experiencing the joys of living in an upper-middle class (read: bloodless) suburban location with a bunch of people who care what the neighbors think. Many of these people have large McMansions and NO BOOKS.

Excuse me while I fan myself.

I am a mom with a six year old boy. Before that, I worked in the silicon valley for years. My first job was writing for a newspaper. I currently do information consulting and help start companies. Oh, and garden. And grouse. I'm looking forward to grousing more as I age.

My blog is The Anachronistic Mom.

Atherton, ca
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