
Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Jan 11, 2008
Sobre mi biblioteca
My library consists of only books I have not read, but intend to. Since I find it inconvenient to own books--too heavy and bulky to store and--I prefer that they are stored in a different location from where I live.

But that doesn't mean I am not attracted to them as physical specimens. I like being around them, running my hand over their cover and spine, thumbing through their pages, and it is why I spend a good deal of time hanging out at librarys and bookstores.

Sobre mí
My reading fare consists of mostly fiction, but I do make forays into nonfiction. My preferred reading material are novels. There is no joy more exquisite, no pleasure greater, than being immersed in a novel, to live vicariously through the lives of the characters I'm reading. Although I know on some level that the characters are the product of the authors imagination, I can easily suspend disbelief and watch the characters take shape on the page.

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Biblioteca interesante