
Genre: Realistic Fiction (15), Illustrations: Full Page (12), Picture Book: Intermediate (11), Picture Book: Easy (9), Awards: None (8), Genre: Fantasy (8), Picture Book: Easy/Intermediate (7), Illustrations: Full page (7), Subject Area: Math (6), Awards: Unknown (6), Friendship (5), Genre: Poetry (4), Rhyme (4), Genre: Nonfiction (4), Subject Area: Social Studies (4), Genre: Fantasy/Folktale (4), Genre: Fiction (4), Picture Book: Intermediate/Advanced (4), Topic: Family (3), Genre: Historical Fiction (3), Christmas (3), Illustrations: Painted/Full Page (3), Winter (2), Travel (2), Sewing (2), Animals (2), Cats (2), Awards: none (2), Food (2), Picture Book: Intermediate/ Advanced (2), Dog (2), Subject Area: Science (2), Genre: Fiction/Fantasy (2), Moving (2), Subject Area: Family (2), Genre:Fantasy (2), Genre: Multicultural (2), Picture book: Easy (2), Subject Area- (2), Genre-Realistic Fiction (2), Santa (2), Picture Book: Intermediate/Easy (2), Indians (2), Cultures (2), Regina Medal Winer (1), Genre: Nonfiction/Math Information (1), Topic-Babies (1), Awards- (1), Topic: A Wemmick learns about how he is special to the one who created him (1), Topic-Teamwork (1), Genre: Fiction (Hints of nonfiction) (1), hints of non fiction/Science Informational. Topic: Caterpillar lifecycle (1), Topic:Breast Caner (1), Subject Area: Could be science (1), Genre: Realistic Fiction/Nonfiction (1), Gnere: Nonfiction/Science Informational (1), No awards (1), Topic: A little girl who is not a fan of riding the school bus (1), Topic: Aliens (1), Topic: A true story of a young girl and her family's story of living during the Holocaust. Awards: YALSA Best Books for Young Adults (1), A New York Times Best Illustrated Book (1), Subject Area: Science and Reading (1), Awards:Parent's Choice Gold Award (1), Genre: Wordless Picture (1), Topic: Shopping (1), Reading Rainbow Feature Selection (1), Subject Area: none (1), Winner of the Coretta Scott King Award for Illustration (1), Awards:1992 Caldecott Honor Book (1), Topic: Hungry Monster (1), Topic: A young girl's dream comes true as she flies over Harlem. Subject Area: Social Studies/Reading( Fiction and Nonfiction) (1), Subject Area: Awards: The OMAR book award and New Hampshire's Great Stone Face Children's Book Award (1), Subject Area: Religion/The teaching of Life skills (1), Theme: Children (1), Illustraions: Full page/Painted (1), Awards: 2003 Nevada Young Readers' Award Nominee (1), Genre: Fantasy/Folktale Illustrations: Full Page (1), Genre: Fantasy/Folktale/Realistic Fiction (1), Topic: The frist day of school and being nervous about it. Subject Area: First day of school (1), Making new friends (1), among many others and state awards. (1), IRA Teacher's Choice 2002 (1), Genre: Realistic/ Possible Non fiction (1), Indian Names (1), Illustrations: Pencil (1), Illustations: Pencil (1), Genre: Poetry/Non fiction (1), 2001 Time of Wonder Award (1), Topic: Addtion (1), Texas Blue Bonnet Award (1), Topic-A story of a boy who befriends a beagle and tries to save him from his mean owner (1), Awards: ALA Notable (1), Awards-Newbery Medal (1), Illustrations: Full page and charcoal/pencil. Genre-Nonfiction (1), Topic-A true story of the author's mother's childhood with her favorite doll and their many adventures. Subject area- (1), Awards-None (1), Genre-Fantasy (1), Subject Area: History/Friendship/Symbolism (1), Topic: Two girls of different race befriend each other although a fence divides them (1), Topic-This tells from a child's point of view of how to live with a monster as a pet (1), Genre: Multicultural/Historical fiction (1), Awards-none (1), No subject area (1), Topic: A young boy buys some magic seeds which turns into a giant beanstalk. He must defeat the ogre and take the gold so that his family will have money to keep their land. Subject Area: Social Studies (1), Best Boook for Young Adults (1), Awards: Honroable Mentions but Unknown awards (1), Awards:none (1), tradtions Awards: Unknown (1), the library where all people are accepted (1), Topic: A young girl must take the bus to ride to a special place (1), Newberry Honor Book among many others. (1), Realistic Fiction/Nonfiction (1), Theme/topic: Magical Painted Eggs (1), Subject Area: Reading (fiction/nonfiction discussion) (1), Awards:1989 International Reading Association Award (1), Texas Lone Star Reading List (1), Topic: Ladybug life cycle (1), subject Area: Science (1), Friendship. Subject Area: Science (1), Subject Area: Math and Science. Topic: Addition and Spring (1), Awards: ALA Notable Children's Book and Best Book for Young Adults (1), Topic: A family vactions to Birmingham around the time of the Birmingham church bombings (1), Awards: Newberry and Coretta Scott King (1), Subject Area: Social Studies.Science (1), among many other state related and honorable mentions) (1), Topic: A young girl and her best friend growing up during the Holocuast of the Second World War and the resucing of the Danish Jews. Awards: Newberry Medal (1), Topic: A science fiction story of a utopian society and the life of a young boy and his role in the community. Subject Area: Science (1), Reading (Fiction vs nonfiction) (1), Awards: Newberry Medal (1), Topic: A young boy's quest to save burrowing owls with the help of unlikely friends (1), Booklist Editor's Choice. (1), Book of the Year by School Library Journal (1), William Allen White award (1), Topic: Animals and Addition (1), Topic: St. Patrick's Day (1), Genre: Fantasy/Fiction (1), Topic:Time telling (1), Topic: Bugs (1), Topic: Shapes (1), Awards: None/Unknown (1), Genre: Realistic Fiction/Fantasy (1), Topic: Friendship/Sharing (1), Genre: Folklore/Fairytale (1), Awards:Critici in Erba Prize (1), Bologna Children's Book Fair (1), and Christopher Award (1), American Booksellers Book of the Year for children's book (1), American Bookseller Pick of the List and an International Reading Association/Children's Book Council Children's Choice Book. (1), Subject Area: None (1), Awards: Notable Children's Trade Book in the Field of Social Studies (1), Subject Area: Social Studies (Talks about Ireland) (1), 2001 Storytelling Award (1), Topic: President's and Presidential children (1), Subject Area: History (1), Topic: History (1), Awards:Not available (1), Genre: Historical/Non Fiction (1), Genre: Poetry/Rhyming (1), Topic: A young boy and his father visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall. Subject Area: Social Studies (1), Topic: A young boy and his father live in an airport. Subject Area: Realism in Literarture (1), Topic: Measurement (1), Genre: Factual Fiction (1), Topic: Rainbows (1), Awards: Coretta Scott King (1), Awards: unknown (1), magic (1), Genre: Historical Fiction/Fantasy/Folktale (1), Quilts (1), Skateboard (1), Pledge (1), foxes (1), Cinderella (1), Mirror (1), Bad Day (1), Children's Chapter book (1), Genre: Biography (1), Thunder (1), Drum (1), Feast (1), School (1), History (1), Children (1), nervousness (1), Military (1), Humor (1), Holidays (1), War (1), Family (1), Slavery (1), Dogs (1), Spanish (1), Pumpkins (1), Dentist (1), Dreams (1), Drawing (1), Mary (1), Colors (1), fieldtrip (1), skunks (1), Mice (1), Child Prodigy (1), love (1), Brothers (1), animals (1), Realistic Fiction (1), apple (1), Mountains (1), Thieves (1), nightmare (1), giants (1), Pulitzer Prize (1), Grandpa (1), Australia (1), Mother (1), closet (1), Visions (1), Rug (1), monster (1), differences (1), Pilgrims (1), collecting (1), moon (1), Thanksgiving (1), Baking (1), remembering (1), Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor (1), crying (1), Grinch (1), Stranger (1), Persistance (1), carving (1), Cake (1), Magic (1), Picture Book: Advanced Read (1), Bedtime story. Builds upon itself. Rhyming sequence pattern. Easy read. Poetry. Full page illustrations. (1), Pure (1), Repition (1), Painted (1), Whos (1), Genre: Realistic fiction (1), grouchiness (1), Painted Illustrations (1), Baby Jesus (1), Booklist Editor's Choice (1), Genre:Realistic Fiction (1), foolies (1), Parents' Choice Gold Award (1), Illustrations: full page (1), Full page (1), Picture book. Easy read. Fantasy. Monsters. Bedtime. Dark. Full page. (1), Trolls (1), Apologies. Picture book: Easy read. Fiction. Realistic storyline. Full page illustrations. I'm sorry. Being careful. (1), Mouse. Cookie. Picture book: Easy Read. Fiction. Full page illustrations. Builds upon self. (1), Poetry Genre (1), Genre: Information book/Realistic Fiction (1), witches (1), Full Page (1), New friendships (1), Pencil/Computer generated illustrations (1), Realistic Fiction Genre (1), Genre: Realistic Ficiton (Non FIction) (1), Picture Book: Intermediate (possibly advanced) (1), Ilustrations:Full page (1), Genre Ralistic/ Non fiction/ Historical (1), Illustrations: Painted/Full Page Abe Lincoln (1), Cure (1), Doll (1), Mexican (1), Horn (1), Work (1), Poems (1), Fire (1), Journey (1), Talents (1), Fear (1), Sharing (1), Riots (1), Grandma (1), Painting (1), Artist (1), Letter (1), Mothers (1), Grandparents (1), Tricks (1), Lying (1), Dancing (1), Shoes (1), Bus (1), Dark (1), Noble (1), Caterpillar (1), Boy (1), Good (1), Playing (1), Butterfly (1), Hearts (1), Trouble (1), Unicorn (1), language barrier (1), Topic: A group of Sneetches think they are more important than another group. Subject Area: Teaching Same/Different and teaching about mannerisms (1)
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Aug 25, 2009

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