
Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Aug 30, 2015
Nombre verdadero
Linda Thompson
Sobre mi biblioteca
I'm an avid cook, therefore look for interesting recipe books and tales about food. I love historical fiction, some biographies and autobiographies, mysteries, thrillers, some romance, lots of legal and police drama. I don't care for sci-fi, paranormal or fantasy, but I can hold my own during a discussion. I have been collecting hard copy books for over 40 years and currently have over 400 books in my home-library. In recent years, I have become a big fan of the Barnes & Noble Nook and at this time, have somewhere around 250 books archived on that.
Sobre mí
I am an avid reader and there's nothing I like more than to read books by new authors. LibraryThing gives me the opportunity to learn about, and read, books I would otherwise have never run across. Some of these authors are every bit as good as the million-book big names, yet without sites such as LibraryThing and other sites, they will continue to go unnoticed.
Phoenix, AZ
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