Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
Most of my books are borrowed from the library, so they're marked as Read but unowned. Ratings are based on how much I liked a book - not necessarily how much I enjoyed it, but how much it contributed to expanding my world view.

Wishlist is for books I want to read, and don't own.
To Read are books that I have bought but yet to read.
Lent out are books I want back. :) Mostly I prefer to give them away.

General book buying rules:
- books I will read more than once, or that other members of my family will want to read (again).
- non-fiction reference material like cookbooks, dictionaries, instructional books. Most of them will not be in my library.
- kids books very arbitrarily chosen, but most do not end up in my library unless they're excellent.
Sobre mí
Reading is my refuge from parenting - and a chance to use my brain or rest it, depending on current parenting challenges and book availability at the local library.
Melbourne, Australia
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Librerías: Coventry Bookstore, Readings - Carlton, The Avenue Bookstore

Bibliotecas: Port Melbourne Branch Library (Port Phillip Library Service), Southbank Library, State Library Victoria

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