
3/12 (15), KHS (15), 1/13 (14), 4/13 (14), 4/12 (13), 10/12 (13), 1/15 (12), 5/11 (12), 8/06 (12), 3/14 (12), 4/14 (12), 11/13 (12), 9/13 (12), #2 (11), 11/12 (11), 8/13 (11), 11/10 (11), 3/13 (10), 12/11 (10), 1/11 (10), 9/11 (10), 8/15 (10), 1/12 (10), boring (10), 10/11 (10), Margie Kauffman (10), 8/11 (9), 3/11 (9), 2/11 (9), 10/99 (9), 12/13 (8), 5/13 (8), 2/14 (8), 11/15 (8), 1/10 (8), 10/14 (8), 7/11 (8), 6/15 (8), 9/10 (7), 4/10 (7), 8/01 (7), 11/11 (7), 2/13 (7), 6/11 (7), language (7), 2/12 (7), R (7), 5/10 (7), 8/07 (7), cute story (7), 9/99 (7), 6/10 (6), 5/12 (6), 7/12 (6), 9/08 (6), 11/06 (6), 5/14 (6), 7/00 (6), 7/10 (6), 10/07 (6), 9/07 (6), 4/20 (6), 4/16 (6), 10/13 (6), 7/07 (5), 10/19 (5), 9/06 (5), 1/14 (5), 6/2022 (5), 8/10 (5), 9/12 (5), 8/12 (5), 6/12 (5), 4/11 (5), 7/13 (5), 11/99 (5), 2/16 (5), 4/01 (5), 12/09 (5), 3/07 (5), 12/10 (5), 12/19 (5), 12/2021 (5), 12/16 couldn't get into it (5), 6/18 (5), 9/15 (5), KHS 4/08 (5), 8/2022 (5), 1/00 (5), 3/10 (5), KHS 4/09 (4), 11/09 (4), 10/08 (4), 7/15 (4), 9/14 (4), KHS 12/08 (4), 6/13 (4), 7/09 (4), 12/15 (4), 5/15 (4), 3/16 (4), 9/09 (4), KHS 3/09 (4), 5/07 (4), 11/20 (4), 10/06 (4), 4/07 (4), 7/01 (4), 11/98 (4), 9/00 (4), 9/01 (4), 1/2023 (4), 3/15 (4), 11/07 (4), 12/12 (4), 12/06 (4), 6/14 (4), 4/15 (4), 4/19 (3), 2/07 (3), 7/17 (3), bjw (3), 12/14 (3), #1 (3), 6/17 (3), 10/15 boring (3), 3/19 (3), 10/10 (3), audiobook language (3), 5/2021 (3), 10/00 (3), 5/20 (3), 1/08 (3), couldn't get into it (3), PG13 (3), 9/2023 (3), 12/07 (3), didn't finish (3), 8/20 (3), 12/16 (3), tried but just couldn't get into it (3), 11/14 (3), 6/16 (3), #4 (3), #3 (3), maybe try again later (3), 1/16 (3), try again later (3), 12/00 (3), 12/99 (3), 10/20 (3), 10/10 language (2), 6/2023 (2), 3/2023 (2), 9/2021 (2), 8/2023 (2), 2/2024 (2), 11/2022 (2), R but good story (2), 8/16 (2), boring begining so did not finish (2), 4/15 R (2), Eryon (3) (2), Jon (4) (2), 6/15 boring (2), 7/16 Chase and Lori (2), 12/20 (2), 9/20 (2), 6/17 L (2), 6/20 (2), don't care for the reader (2), Hunter (4) (2), Lamplighter 8/20 (2), recommended by Margie Kauffman (2), 9/19 (2), Aiden (3) (2), 4/2021 (2), 9/17 (2), 2005 (2), KMS 1/10 (2), Magnus (2), 2/08 (2), 5/18 (2), 11/08 (2), 3/20 (2), Audio book (2), 1/21 (2), didn’t finish (2), Emma (2), didn't read (2), KMS 12/09 (2), 2009 (2), 8/08 (2), Marcus (2), 11/00 (2), 7/06 (2), 2/01 (2), adoption (2), read long ago (2), novella (2), rape (2), Bobbi (2), ? (2), abuse (2), 12/08 (2), 11/2023 (2), 2002 (2), 8/14 (2), KHS 1/08 (2), KMS (2), KHS 5/08 (2), 1/09 audiobook (2), 1/19 (2), KHS 2/09 (2), 10/09 (2), KHS 3/08 (2), 8/09 (2), 6/09 (2), audiobook 6/09 (2), 2/15 (2), audiobook 7/09 (2), 8/17 (2), 11/18 (2), 8/18 (2), 3/18 (2), 7/14 (2), 3/17 (2), audiobook 12/09 (2), 7/19 Colette and Jimmy (1), 8/19 sacrifices made for her child (1), 7/19 Dortgea Dix (1), 7/19 religious freedom (1), 7/19 Leah and Kyle (1), 2/19 (1), 7/19 Ada and Josiah (1), 7/19 Lilac hybridizing (1), 7/19 Ellen and Will and Marcello (1), 7/19 I remember reading this before. (1), 8/19 spiritual disciplines Hannah (1), but wanted more substance (1), 8/19 rebuilding a marriage (1), 10/19 Meg and Florence (1), 8/10 Mariah and Daniel (1), 8/19 lost love found (1), 8/19 spiritual disciplines Meg (1), 8/19 Eliza and Daniel (1), 9/19 Silas and Kate (1), 9/19 Everly and Bec (1), 9/19 Elise and Marico WWII (1), 9/19 BJ and Eric (1), 9/19 didn’t finish (1), 10/19 fills in John & Elizabeth’s story Cody & Andy (1), 6/19 boring (1), Spanish Flu (1), Bella (1), Meg (1), 7/19 listened to quite a bit (1), 5/19 Palmer and Jody (1), 6/19 Akeira and Gabe (1), 10/18 Rachael (1), 10/18 Amanda (1), 10/18 listened to Silent Night and part way through Holy Night (1), 10/18 L so stopped lisening (1), started 10/18 Michele (1), 6/13 and 9/18 Jim & Marilyn (1), 9/18 Tom (1), 10/18 Bethany/Rhoda (1), not sure if I want to finish it ... (1), 11/18 Tinley and Jonas (1), 9/18Sound of Fear 2Shattered Silence 3 (1), 9/18 Delaney (1), will finish later (1), Kristina (1), 6/16 Amy and WadeHeart of Texas #6 (1), 7/16 Randall and Elizabeth (1), started but not my style (1), didn't grab me (1), 11/18 Michelle and Sarah (1), 11/18 Lynette and Nick (1), too predicatable (1), 2/19 Amanda (1), sickening sweet (1), 5/19 gave it a try (1), 5/19 Macy and Fletcher (1), 5/19 Taylor and Seth (1), Aiden (4) (1), 3/19 Emily and Colin and a village (1), 2/19 Russian tale (1), 2/19 Honor & Samuel (1), 2/19 Andrea Madge and Jenny (1), 11/18 boring start so gave up (1), 1/19 Priscilla and Eli (1), 12/18 divorce (1), 12/18 Rachel (1), 12/18 Jane (1), try ebook (1), 11/18 R so sent back (1), 11/18 Natalie (1), 11/18 kidnapped girl (1), audiobook reader does not pause for punctuation (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Nov 7, 2008
Sobre mi biblioteca
I have always read a lot of Christian fiction. Since hiring a new media specialist, I am now able to choose books for our library so find myself reading lots of genres I would not have chosen before.
Sobre mí
I was pretty much a stay-at-home mom for 25 years and then took a job as a high school librarian (this is my 18th school year)...just the place to feed my love of books. My six children are out of the house now so this job also helps my empty nest not seem so empty.
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