Sobre mi biblioteca
These are the books that I have a clear recollection of reading. I have left out a lot I wanted to include because I simply don't remember actually finishing them. If I were to include all the books I've read half or three-quarters of, I'm sure the list would double in size. I'd rather get around to finishing them first so I can include them. Those rated with stars are not rated on some grand scale of critique but rather just the way in which I feel they have affected me as both a person, a writer and a reader. Three stars would be what I consider the middle point, no huge impact but memorable and enjoyable. 1 and 2 *hurt* to read or I just didn't enjoy them at the time. Anything above 3 I consider to be the books that I greatly enjoyed as well as those that have simply had impact. No stars are mainly kids books or I just felt too ambiguous about them.
Sobre mí
R.I.P. Kurt Vonnegut 1922-2007 A man who could form beauty from the absurdity in the world is now gone.

Soon to be a graduate of Penn State University in English and Philosophy with a minor in International Studies (Ireland). Enjoy reading immensely but joining this website makes it ever the more blatant to me that I have not read enough nor far enough out of my comfort zone.

50 Book Challenge Tracking Sheet

Read in March:
The Intuitionist by Colson Whitehead
The Tempest by William Shakespeare
Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis
South of the Northeast Kingdom by David Mamet
Stardust by Neil Gaiman
Underworld by Don DeLillo
Mr. Vertigo by Paul Auster
Read in April:
Currently Reading: Marley and Me by John Grogan
Actualmente leyendo