Sobre mi biblioteca
Still entering and deciding how to categorize my books. Have some pretty old books (1800s) but they are probably not in good enough condition to be worth anything. Got rid of many of my paperbacks from college days when I moved, thinking if I really loved it, I'd replace it in hardback. Have done that to some degree but of course continue to acquire more books all the time: authors I want to read, a book I've read and loved but don't own, or just a book that looks interesting if the price is right. I don't mind buying used books - once thought I'd enjoy collecting first editions but find I like well-loved copies better, especially with inscriptions or some history. I mostly keep only books I really love, trade the rest ( or Bookins (

TAGS - thought it would be interesting to have a list of the books I've read - useful for making referrals to friends, observing patterns in my own reading... using the "read and gone" tag for that at the moment but not sure if I will continue with it.

ACQUISITIONS - want more quality children's books so my neices, nephews and future grandchildren will have good books to read when they come over... and there are so many beautifully illustrated children's books. Exported this list to my Palm so it’s easy to check when I’m out shopping. Started a “want it” tag that I can refer to when I’m browsing bookstores and junkshops, one of my favorite things to do – especially when traveling.
Sobre mí
Enjoy fiction, history, political and social commentary, theology – open to most anything but science fiction and mysteries don’t usually interest me. Started a book club 3 years ago with about 5 other women – we read fiction and meet once a month to eat, drink and talk about what we've read. It's great fun.
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("klewis"), ("justdoitkathy"), MySpace

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