
woman (23), nimp (22), South Asian (12), children's (8), postcolonial (6), diaspora (5), Singapore (4), science fiction (4), magic realism (3), caribbean (1), queer (1), china (1), anticolonial (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Aug 11, 2007
Sobre mi biblioteca
It's small but growing.

When I was a teenager, I'd read hand-me-downs that would then get passed on to the next person or borrow from the Marine Parade Library.

When I was an English major at university, I borrowed some of the books on the reading lists from the library, especially those of authors I knew i didn't like (such as VS Naipaul) and bought others.

When I lived in Vancouver, it became a hobby to scout used bookstores, thrift stores and - my favourite - the Vancouver Public Library book sale, for great deals and that unmistakeable feel of a well-thumbed-through volume. When I came back to Singapore in January 2006, I brought only one book with me (Alice Walker's The Colour Purple) and left the rest in boxes with friends. Now I'm pretty much starting from scratch again.

I feel one's 'library' should not be constrained by the books one currently has ownership of. Some people just don't have the space; some don't have the money to own the books they want to; others enjoy giving books away; and yet others are unable to hold on to them as their property for whatever reason.

I am placing here any book that's left an impression on me that I've read. Those not in my physical library are tagged 'nimp' (Not In My Possession).