
lunch (1), This book talks about how a child goes back and forth between his parents. (1), and dinner. Then they find a magic pot that duplicates objects. (1), Kind of a strange book to me Mr. and Mrs. O'Grady are poor and dig one potato from their garden to share for breakfast (1), This book explains how every child has a crown on their head and while it's invisible it's still there. Everybody's crown is different and beautiful. (1), and sister are all preoccupied. (1), A young boy does his best to get noticed in a house where his mom (1), if robins made weather... (1), if weasels made weather (1), good descriptive book if frogs made weather (1), true story A hummingbird is rescued from nearly dying. Andrew and Teri care for the bird until it is ready to fly again. (1), multicultural book explores the Choctaw nation Bok Chitto is a river Martha Tom befriends a slave family; Martha Tom teaches the slave family how to get to freedom (1), true story Georgia O'Keeffe was a painter famous for never being told what to paint (1), Clare’s father has passed away. With her mom by her side they both grieve the loss of their loved one. (1), Mary Ellen would rather run around than read. Mary Ellen's grandpa send her on a mission to find a bee tree. Her grandpa compares the sweetness of her journey of chasing the bee tree to the sweetness you get from chasing a good book. (1), This book is about Fanny and her family. Franny likes to do things that aren’t considered the norm; her brother also likes to do things that may not be the norm. (1), she'd rather play with pretty things. When a butterfly comes around Bloom learns the difference between attraction and true friendship. (1), Bloom doesn't like to get muddy like the other pigs (1), Grandma Lupita tells the story of Lady Guadalupe to her granddaughter Rose every December. (1), level 2 tells the story of Belle in Beauty and the Beast (1), Tim sees Sammy in the sky. (1), This book tells the story of Tim's beloved dog Sammy. Though Sammy has passed (1), Animals are having a party and they all begin to wish for qualities another animal has. In the end they realize they are all special just the way they are. (1), Rigo doesn't like that he is the youngest of his brothers. He always get the hand-me-downs but in the end he realizes that hand-me-downs can be better than brand-new. (1), promotes sharing forth of July picnic picture book (1), Circle book pattern Would use in a kindergarten classroom (1), Good book for those interested in bugs This book encourages readers to look around as there are so many different bugs doing different things. (1), Rhyming book Good for kindergarten Go through several animals trying to figure out who ate all the cookie dough (1), When a beloved baby grows into a young woman (1), but they are rich in experiences. (1), Hal and his dog Billy are playing outside when they see a dinosaur. The dinosaur goes through a list of who he'll eat (1), Comic Good for 1st graders to maybe 5th graders Buzz and Fly Guy are superheros and they go on many battles to defeat their enemies. (1), Jill Barber takes her readers through the many different types of music while also explaining that music in all forms is for everyone. (1), Daisy is starting school and her mom is so excited. But Daisy can't do a lot of the things she's supposed to in school. Daisy and her mom soon discover that Daisy has a special talent that makes her stand out from the rest. (1), This book is about the waves of emotion that you go through when you loose someone special (in this case it was a boy’s father). (1), but his friends tell George he's just seeing things. Then George's friends say they can now see the elephant...or do they? (1), George sees an elephant (1), such as a spoon or rain. (1), This book highlights the important part about ordinary things (1), they are surprised that they too have two homes just like Charlie Anderson. (1), Charlie Anderson has two homes. When his two owners discover this (1), Mountain Girl needs a little bit of scaffolding to understand why they may not be rich in money (1), there is a pop up on the last page. (1), Mountain Girl knows that her family isn't rich. So when her parents disagree and say they are rich (1), A little girl has drawn a picture of herself. She tries changing many things about this picture until she realizes that it was perfect the way it was before. (1), Alexander has money but ends up spending it. Good book for students struggling with numbers. (1), good-bad book pattern Ned's day goes back and forth from fortunate events to unfortunate events. (1), Little Miss Muffet was bored of her own story so she sets off to join other nursery rhymes. (1), nobody will listen. What does it take Bear to get anybody to listen? (1), Bear has a problem but when he asks for help (1), This book encourages readers to be themselves. A bear tries to be like the children that are around him. He soon realizes that when he tries to be something he's not that the results are not good. (1), Marjorie the cow was feeling sad. She then lays an egg and feels special. She names her baby Daisy. (1), This book is about a young boy and his father who are homeless. They live in the airport. (1), Becky has borrowed a lot of things from her friends but has forgotten what belongs to who. She makes sure to find the owner of everything she has borrowed. (1), she becomes what every parent dreams for their child. (1), she gets mad fun of. Eventually she makes a friend and realizes her grandma was right. (1), dad (1), she spoke differently (1), counting book pattern A little girl is getting ready for bed and counts down. (1), Five sheep shop for their friend's birthday. They find many things and make a big mess. They don't have enough money so they shave their wool to pay their bill. They are ready to party now. (1), Three soldiers are coming home from war when they pass through a selfish village. The village people do not want to share their food but the soldiers trick the village people by making "stone soup". (1), predictable book pattern (1), Would use in pre-k classrooms. Helps toddlers associate colors to objects. (1), it'll be time for "sleepy-time songs"... (1), it's time for bedtime stories. After bedtime stories (1), it's time to get your pajamas on. Once you have your pajamas on (1), A little boy warns children about how sneaky yawns can be. Once you yawn (1), she begins to weave a new blanket. (1), and did not feel like herself. She hides under her old blanket. When she meets a new friend (1), Cartwheel arrives in a new country and feels out of place. The food is different (1), multicultural book Doko means basket This story tell the story of a baby who arrived in a basket. (1), Trisha eventually thanks Mr. Falker personally at the end of the book. (1), Trisha has trouble reading because the numbers and letters in books become all jumbled up. Only Mr. Falker realizes what is going on with Trisha and helps her. As an adult (1), Mr. Woodpecker saves the day when a big white cross at the foot of a tree means it's going to be cut down. (1), Herbert goes off to sea with Tim's dad and falls off the boat. Tim doesn't believe it when his dad said there's no way he could have made it. His family goes looking for him and they eventually find Herbert swimming in the sea. (1), Tim loves his dog Herbert more than anything. One day (1), which means she wants her students to draw and share an act of kindness. Minna struggles with an idea until she gets to work. (1), Mrs. Bloom has asked Minna and her classmates to work on a Kindness Project (1), or little sister. Antonia goes to China with her mom and dad to adopt her little sister. Antonia learns what being a big sister is really about. (1), Antonia wants her own mei mei (1), sequel to Frog on a Log Frog changes things up and now dogs and cats sit on something different. (1), Good-bad (1), encourages students to fill in with their own dreams A boy reminisces on the wishes he made as a young boy. (1), alphabet book pattern (1), so the world will think she is tall. When she moves to a new town (1), then there is a bed (1), Molly Lou Melon is the shortest in her class. But her grandma says to stand tall (1), that means indoor playtime. What will Freckleface Strawberry do when confronted by her bully? (1), Freckleface Strawberry loves extra time on the playground. But when it rains (1), A young girls father is out at sea. She notes all that he is missing as her baby brother grows up. (1), they travel to his house. (1), All of the animals at the zoo love Amos McGee. When the animals learn that Amos McGee is sick (1), there are flying pigs. (1), Picture book Circle book pattern Begins Tuesday evening with flying frogs. Next Tuesday (1), A young girl tells the story of her seven ancestors who have made an imprint on her as well as he past. (1), Slim Jim Watkins begins to sleep with his shoes on when he learns of the creatures that roam the desert. (1), then there is a grandma... (1), Add on story book pattern Begins with the house (1), Alphabet book pattern This book could be used in higher grades (1), A story about good and bad manners funny guide to manners (1), Stella sees a broken-down bus and uses it as a way to bring her whole city together. (1), This book promotes self-esteem and encourages readers to love themselves. The book switches from a girl's perspective to a boy's perspective. (1), but nobody wants to be his friend. He wonders if he will every find anybody just like him. (1), Chameleon has the ability to appear however he likes (1), A story about adoption A young girl cherishes the story of how her parents became her mom and dad. (1), Add-on story book pattern (1), Fly knows she is little but wishes to be a superhero like Worm and Spider. (1), Bobby believes his teacher is the worst monster. That is until he sees his teacher one weekend at the park and learns differently. (1), promotes tolerance and acceptance Lily and Salma eat different sandwiches for lunch but don't let that keep them from being best friends. When a food fight breaks they must decide what to do. (1), multicultural book This story tells a tale from immigrations to several generations later. (1), would not work in kinder to at least second grade. (1), but Hal says no way. The dinosaur eventually eats a lot and is still hungry. (1)
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Jan 22, 2019