Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
So many books and so little time. I love all sorts of subjects and they have included many topics and genres over the years. Some of my interests are history, herbs and oils, holistic healing and mental health. For pleasure, fictionalized historical novels concentrating on British history but almost anything from the past will catch me. Science fiction/fantasy was a huge part of my reading in my middle adult years and have read tons of those. A good horror/mystery novel are also favorites from the likes of Koontz, Rice and King always keep me coming back. When I need a break, a nice quick Johanna Lindsey romance provides some room for me to enjoy a book while still ruminating on the last intense one I read.

If I absolute had to pick an author, Dean Koontz would be my favorite. He always provides a reason to hope and believe in love and the goodness of humanity... something we all need right now. I have more book by him than any other author.

At a rough period in my life I lost all my books that I had collected over the first 40 years of my life. This current library doesn't come close to reflecting what I had at one time. While I can never recover those treasured tomes, I hope to grow my current library into something admirable once again.
Sobre mí
Almost in my 60s now and have been reading literally all my life. My father gave me the gift of books at an early age and showed me all the worlds that are in between the covers of a book. He is long gone now but every time I open a new book for a new adventure... he is with me.

I am a former addict with severe PTSD and ADD... makes it hard to interact with others so books are my world. I prefer handheld books and struggle with digital media. There is something about knowing that a whole different world exists between the covers of those pages. That when I crack open a book, I can go somewhere else. Books were my refuge through a horrific childhood and they have been my salvation.

I love being outdoors, helping others, cooking and playing with herbs and oils. I am a mom of two and all the fur babies that come my way.


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Biblioteca interesante