
Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Oct 10, 2010
Nombre verdadero
Kath Gowland
Sobre mi biblioteca
Its going to take a while to catalogue all my books, I estimate I own about 1200... and I keep adding to that, but dont have a lot of spare time at present to add to the catelogue... maybe during the holidays. I have a large collection of Fantasy fiction, and some that might be classed as Children's books, but that I have enjoyed as an adult, such as The Dark is Rising and CS Lewis' Narnia books. I love good poetry, but I also own classics by Thomas Hardy and Jane Austen... and all genre in between.... as a love a good book that holds the reader, no matter what the genre... so one day I may be reading fantasy and another a theological book.. depending on my mood. I also have quite a few text books and books about art technique and artists.
Sobre mí
Happy 50 something lady with an appetite for a good read, I own lots of books. I tend to have a couple of different types of reading on the go, so I can choose depending on my mood. When I'm into a book, I find it hard to put down, so if I get a good fiction read to review, it will be quick! Theological books require thought before review, and of course these books generally take longer to read to enable the reader to digest the ideas, so these reviews might take a little while longer. I work in a school as a Cover Teacher, with pupils 11 years to 18 years old. Apart from reading I love to sing, I belong to a Jazz Class and the Caedmon Choir, and can regularly be found in the audience at the Jazz Café in Newcastle upon Tyne.
County Durham, England

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