
fiction (58), painting (18), history (18), modern art (14), art history (9), Seattle (8), humor (8), poetry (6), chess (6), travel (5), world war II (5), memoir (5), comedy (5), Paris (5), New York (5), american south (4), library science (4), biography (4), philosophy (4), London (4), chess strategy (4), contemporary art (4), pacific northwest (3), sculpture (3), adventure (3), fantasy (3), politics (3), graphic novel (3), France (3), landscape (3), Travel (3), photography (3), enlightenment (3), science fiction (2), great depression (2), Russia (2), California (2), art theory (2), Japan (2), phenomenology (2), hiking (2), meditations (2), nature (2), holocaust (2), puget sound (2), france (2), catalogs (2), english (2), true crime (2), essays (2), Africa (2), Fiction (2), environmentalism (2), comics (2), oddysey (2), collection (2), architecture (2), South America (2), culture (2), websites (2), cascades (2), train travel (2), slavery (2), Eakins (1), whaling (1), jewish culture (1), Moscow (1), czechoslovakia (1), looking (1), journeys (1), Roman literature (1), classification (1), craftsmanship (1), Records Management (1), political critique (1), portraiture (1), daily life (1), Hong Kong (1), game collection (1), monasteries (1), Modern Art (1), anthology (1), grain elevators (1), native americans (1), auerbach (1), giacometti (1), Britain (1), rome (1), endgames (1), Matisse (1), documentary (1), Bonnard (1), reference service (1), landscape painting (1), antique maps (1), cultural change (1), Morandi (1), mythology (1), oral history (1), Diderot (1), History (1), Thriller (1), Art (1), 17th Century (1), Chess (1), Italian literature (1), Diary (1), warsaw (1), hiv (1), bonnard (1), Escher (1), Poetry (1), pacific war (1), RSS (1), Filing (1), anatomical drawing (1), archives history (1), positional chess (1), Spokane Indian reservation (1), vegeance (1), King county (1), Vasser (1), Russian Literature (1), Ruwanda (1), new yorker (1), ancient history (1), diplomacy (1), foreign policy (1), Poland (1), monasticism (1), walking (1), interviews (1), los angeles (1), aesthetics (1), asia (1), death (1), Canada (1), 17th century painting (1), World War II (1), japan (1), England (1), london (1), napoleonic wars (1), human figure (1), cabinetmaking (1), Giacometti (1), Ukraine (1), poussin (1), still life (1), newspaper columns (1), Old Bailey (1), Australia (1), wandering (1), 19th century (1), race (1), mississippi (1), american culture (1), midwest (1), jazz age (1), modernity (1), solitude (1), redemption (1), wilderness (1), research (1), magic realism (1), short fiction (1), autobiography (1), latin america (1), native american (1), immigration (1), germany (1), american art (1), mediterranean (1), computers (1), genocide (1), management (1), Chicago (1), desert (1), ethics (1), mystery (1), britain (1), classics (1), irish (1), horror (1), childhood (1), language (1), chinese (1), obsession (1), suspense (1), vampires (1), Philadelphia (1), detective (1), war (1), romance (1), art (1), cryptography (1), spirituality (1), espionage (1), maps (1), distopia (1), revolution (1), class (1), virtual reality (1), values (1), digital preservation (1), meditating (1), running (1), naval warfare (1), short stories (1), art technique (1), Yiddish (1), graphic fiction (1), information architecture (1), art instruction (1), scripting (1), woodworking (1), rubber stamps (1), sanatorium (1), American History (1), prints (1), Iwo Jima (1), information organization (1), fitness (1), ancien regime (1), web search (1), databases (1), printmaking (1), portraits (1), migrants (1), immigrant life (1), northwest (1), conversation (1), geology (1), bears (1), renaissance literature (1), dust bowl (1), anatomy (1), starbucks (1), Dublin (1), epistolary novel (1), Spokane (1), modern history (1), Jewish History (1), Astronomy (1), japanese internment (1), archives (1), simplicity (1), pirates (1), stoicism (1), diet (1), drawing (1), fortune (1), web design (1), Science Fiction (1), camping (1), slave trade (1), HA! (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Jul 6, 2008
Sobre mi biblioteca
The books in my library are books that I've read within the last few years. I own most of them; the others were borrowed at one time or another from the Multnomah county library or the Seattle public library.
I tend to read more nonfiction, especially history and art.
Sobre mí
I am a graduate student, artist, and also a security guard and sometime library assistant at the Seattle Asian Art Museum.
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