Nombre verdadero
Gerry Storey
Sobre mi biblioteca
The bulk of the library are Folio Society editions, also complete collection of Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe, first edition and limited edition complete collection of Michael Connelly, complete Rumpole of the Bailey Collection, and complete collection of Tom Swift JR boys books. Other favorite authors are Mark Twain, Damon Runyon, James Thurber, Raymond Chandler, P.G. Wodehouse, Dashiell Hammett, and a smattering of Shakespeare. Have some Arion Press, Limited Edition CLubs, and North Point Press (the original North Point). Obviously I love to read.
Sobre mí
Received an education in electronics in US Air Force, upon discharge went to university and received BA and MA degrees in Art and Photography. Taught photography at local community college, made dye transfer prints (one of a handful of people worldwide still making dye transfer prints), owned with partners a commercial/digital photolab. After retirement began building a library, something I have always wanted to do.
Sacramento, CA
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