
fiction (156), science fiction (51), favorite (49), fantasy (46), classic (27), young adult (20), guilty pleasure (16), non-fiction (16), short stories (16), powerful woman (13), comedy (13), hero quest (12), robinson (12), gaiman (10), anita blake (8), hamilton (8), callahan (7), philosophy class keeper (7), huff (7), mccaffery (7), asimov (6), homosexual themes (6), varley (6), brite (5), lackey (5), biblical (5), horror (5), sturgeon (4), airplane fare (4), comic (4), hesse (4), rowan (4), atwood (4), women-centric (4), barker (4), shinn (4), pratchett (4), play (3), dragons (3), coville (3), kids (3), mcdevitt (3), m/m (3), murder (3), mythology (3), early review (3), willis (3), gruesome (3), in other worlds (3), norton (3), useful (3), discworld (3), meh (3), tan (2), rowling (2), sandman (2), library (2), campbell (2), melancholy (2), raskin (2), graphic novel (2), biography (2), london (2), lewis (2), roach (2), supernatural events (2), flagg (2), creepy classic (2), rand (2), proulx (2), english class keeper (2), short fiction (1), a wind in the door (1), clarke (1), my writing (1), wharton (1), alcott (1), marquez (1), jones (1), fforde (1), dexterlike (1), fromm (1), uplifting (1), watterson (1), smith (1), updike (1), white (1), philosophical (1), forward (1), fielding (1), phillips (1), tartt (1), jacques (1), new orleans (1), poetry (1), norman (1), tolkien (1), gender (1), pern (1), bizarre (1), nietzsche (1), freud (1), shakespere (1), nye (1), bester (1), l'engle (1), adventure (1), nietzshe (1), science (1), anthony (1), animals (1), favorite. murder (1), juster (1), austen (1), intricate (1), conspiracy (1), williams (1), transgender (1), diamant (1), tuesday next (1), eugenides (1), vincent (1), wilde (1), vampire (1), card (1), hajicek (1), norwich (1), hilgartner (1), golden (1), cruse (1), written by me (1), eggers (1), froehlich (1), high fantasy (1), librarian (1), datlow (1), library school keeper (1), herman (1), kushner (1), adams (1), wrede (1), wittgenstein (1), distopia (1), supernatural mystery (1), pierce (1), revealing (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Nov 21, 2006
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
Now that I work in a library most of the books that I read aren't ones that I own. I find it more necessary to catalog them so I can use the list for reader's advisory!
Sobre mí
I'm a twentysomething librarian with a passion for science fiction and philosophy.
nanuet, ny
Favoritos del sitio

Bibliotecas: New City Library

Conexiones de miembros
