
2 copies (48), writing and learning (28), service-learning (22), 3 copies (6), 2 books (5), college teaching (4), assessment (4), technology (3), 5 copies (3), faculty development (3), writing and teaching (3), 5 books (2), faculty evaluation (2), League for Innovation in the Community College (2), Monograph (2), writing and learning; 3 copies (2), 6 copies (2), social action/justice (1), assessment; scholarship (1), critical thinking; education (1), scholarship; tenure (1), education; 6 copies (1), Number 105 (1), Wiley Publication (1), learning/system thinking (1), e-learning education (1), 1999 (1), writing; research (1), 2 copies; advising (1), 2 copies college teaching (1), 2 copies; checkout 10-21-10 Lavada Austin OMBUDS (1), 2 copies; writing and learning (1), technology;8 copies (1), 3 copies; 8-3-10 checked out by James Griffith (1), 2 copies; Wiley Publication (1), 2 copies; technology (1), assessment large classes (1), 2 copies; leadership; management (1), 2 copies; peer review design and implementation; guidelines (1), 3 copies; personal development; vocation (1), 2 copies; education (1), 4 copies; college teaching ISBN 0-669-19434-4 (1), Volume I and II (1), aessement (1), academic administration (1), College teaching ISBN 0-669-06752-0 (1), technology and culture (1), 1997 (1), Philosophy (1), two copies (1), 4 copies (1), writing (1), scholarship (1), education (1), 10 copies (1), 3 books (1), leadership (1), professional development (1), 9 copies (1), 24 copies (1), 14 books (1), College Teaching ISBN 0-618-11649-4 (1), new faculty (1), peer review (1), cooperative learning (1), department chairs (1), spring 2004 (1), classroom research (1), 2nd shelf (1), education; philosophy (1), 2003 (1), Assess (1), The QUE Project (1), protocols and forms (1), techniques and formats designed to elevate teaching (1), facilitate and document learning (1), Anjana Narayan donated/AWG (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Jul 14, 2010
Nombre verdadero
Faculty Center for Professional Development
Sobre mi biblioteca
Our small library is a valuable resource which faculty are welcome to use at any time. We have a variety of books on pedagogy. Other topics in our library include academic writing, career development, academic organizational management, and a few periodicals.
Sobre mí
The Faculty Center for Professional Development actively supports faculty in all stages of their careers at Cal Poly Pomona. We provide orientation for new faculty, resources for faculty pedagogy, opportunities for collaboration among faculty, and confidential consultations about classroom issues or other aspects of faculty work.
Pomona, CA
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