Nombre verdadero
Jeremiah Leif Johnson
Sobre mi biblioteca
Many of these books are left over from my days as a graduate student, especially the ones on alchemy and magic. Lately, I’ve strayed away from those topics, but that doesn’t mean that the interest isn’t still there.

I recommend every book that’s listed for one reason or another; I won’t list books that I seriously don’t like.
Sobre mí
Until recently, I was working on my PhD in history at the University of Chicago. I’ve lived most of my life in south and central Texas, although for the past few years I’ve lived in Chicago and in many ways it has become my home. I was once a prominent figure in the cowboy poetry movement of the 1990s, but few people I know today are even aware of that chapter of my life. Someone once told me that I’m so complicated I’m simple. I’m a textbook INFP and Gemini-Cancer for those of you who believe in that kind of thing.

I'm happily married to the woman of my dreams, and you can visit our Flickr page at

My principal historical interests are the history of the book and, these being more of a hobby these days than a serious academic pursuit, early medieval history and early modern occult natural philosophy.
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