Nombre verdadero
EMW Bookstore
Sobre mi biblioteca
The library seeks to provide access to materials that highlight the narratives of marginalized peoples (especially people of color) and contribute to the understanding of oppression, intersectionality, and activism. Book donations are appreciated!

Fiction and nonfiction books, chapbooks, comics, and zines by people of color, women of color, and queer and trans people of color, Books on critical theory, history, ethnic studies, feminist and queer studies, Resources for marginalized peoples on community organizing
Children’s books, especially those featuring children of color
Sobre mí
EMW Community Space, fondly known as EMW Bookstore, is a community-oriented space and resource for peoples from marginalized identities to pursue our creative visions. Through creative and cultural work in arts & technology, EMW’s mission is to affirm, celebrate, and work in solidarity with marginalized communities to facilitate creativity and education, safety and wellbeing, and capacity-building toward a more liberatory world. We stress the importance of rooting our values of sharing, trust, respect, and mutual support in all EMW Bookstore activities, because we believe that our programs are at the core of our mission and our vision to expand the concept of family to our immediate community and greater society.
934 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139
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Otro: EMW Bookstore, Atomic Bean Cafe, Democracy Center