
cause and effect (4), personification (4), plot (3), sequence of events. (2), alliteration (2), predictions (2), This book teaches children about folk tale genre (1), walking dogs (1), and selling other items. I think it is important for students to see how kids their age can come up with all kinds of ways to earn money in order to save up for something big. In the book it also talks about important words such as profit and expenses. St (1), This is a really cute book to teach students about charts and graphs. In the book it describes all kinds of graphs that there are and even teaches kids what important things like a title (1), and data you need to include on your graph. An activity to do with this is have the students create their own graph after reading the book. (1), Teaches students about rhyme and poetry. It also would teach them about exaggeration and expression. It also teaches kids that they can turn anything into situation into a positive one. (1), Teaches kids about rhyming patterns by expressing all of the things that parents think of and feel when looking at their kids. This is a good book for kindergartners. An activity to do after reading this book is have them talk about her write what they wa (1), This teaches students that you can do anything that you set your mind to do and to encourage others. With crooked knees and a long neck makes it difficult for a giraffe to dance but with encouragement from peers he is able to do it. It also teaches studen (1), This is a great book to teach students about the butterfly cycle (1), and even what foods are good and bad for you. (1), friendship (1), and about the history of a person's name. A good activity to do with students is have each student go home and ask their parents where their name came from? why did their parents give them that name? was it passed on after grandparents? what is the meanin (1), This is a great book to teach students about imagination. Students can learn how to make their own writings come to life through imagination. Students can participate in a writing activity after reading this book by getting a topic and they have to write (1), and bravery. The characters in all the books face a challenge that they have to get thorough. Students can relate to the challenges that some of the characters face and they can write about one of their own challenges that they have faced in life. (1), This book teaches students about cause and effect as well as prediction and sequence of events. Students can relate to this book by the bad days they have had or bad events that have happened to them. (1), Teaches students to never give up and to keep trying even when things get hard. It teaches students about perseverance (1), and expression. teaches students that it is okay to make mistakes and that everything won't be perfect or work out exactly how they want them to. This book can also teach students about action verbs because there are many good ones in the story. (1), This is a good book to teach students about figurative language (1), This book is good to teach children that everyone is different and everyone comes from different backgrounds and culutres. but that does not mean that anyone is less capable of doing something because of their differences. everyone is unique and special i (1), This is a great book to teach students to never give up on their dreams no matter how big or small they are. It also teaches them to set goals in life in order to achieve those dreams. This is a great book to teach students about imagery and smile as well (1), this teaches students that everyone is special and unique in their own way regardless of what other people tell them. This book also can teach children about adjectives and parallels. (1), This is a great book to read to students at the beginning of the year especially for kids who are just starting kindergarten. This will help students overcome that separation from their parents while they are at school. It also teaches students about rhym (1), This book teaches kids about predictions. It also teaches students that they can find information on how to do something or on a topic by looking it up in the library. For a lot of the book the students have to write their own part of the story and what i (1), This is a great book to teach kids about how certain parts of your come loose or fall out and that is completely normal like a tooth falling out. This is also a good book to teach students about rhyme. (1), This is a great book to compare and contrast many children's stories. The stories teach children about plot (1), Teaches students about predicting and cause and effect. It also teaches students about morals. An activity that students can do with this book is write their own ending of the book and what they would do because the ending of the book leaves off with a qu (1), Great book to use in a text set. it talks about working hard to earn money to go towards something. The book involves working together as a team to reach a common goal and it talks about ways to earn money through running mini businesses such as a lemonad (1), their values (1), Will teach students about the different texts and types of books that's out there. such as nonfiction (1), etc. Also teaches students about how to find books in their own library. An activity to have students do is a compare and contrast graphic organizer of two sources of text from the book. (1), Teaches students about what it means to be selfish and what happens if you are that way to other people. It teaches students about cause and effect (1), This is a great book for Preschoolers or Kindergartners. It would be good to read to them at the beginning of the year to teach them how to share. It has bold lettering and not a lot of words on the page to make the book very understandable. It shows caus (1), silly book to teach students about rhymes. You can give students a piece of paper with a topic on it and then have students write their own little rhyme on the topic they were given. (1), Great book to teach students about seasons and rhyme. Would also be a good book to teach students about the reasons for bold lettering and arrangement of words in a book. Students can write about their favorite seasons and why. (1), This is a good book to teach students about nonfiction (1), and what makes a book nonfiction. (1), Teaches students about the alphabet and rhyme in a song pattern that students will be able to remember. (1), Great book to use in a text set.This book is nonfiction and allows students to get to learn about the different coins (1), and how to add up the coins to get a certain amount of money. The reason why I chose this book for my listeners is because on each page it shows actual pictures of the coins and shows step by step on how to add certain coins together to get X total amount (1), why the illustrations are in black and white and the meaning it gives to the text. metaphors (1), Great book to use in a text set. •Money Madness Is a nonfiction story that would be beneficial for students to read. The reason why I choose this book because it talks about what life would be like without money and the negative effects without it in ou (1), Great book to use in a text set.•The reason why I choose this non -fiction book to read is because it provides real life examples of scenarios on needing to buy an item or wanting to buy an item. Students need to learn the differences between needing an (1), and purchase the items that are necessities. The overall purpose of reading this story to children is to help them better understand the concept of saving (1), what items are necessities compared to wants (1), and the idea of income. (1), Great book to use in a text set. the book teaches the students about saving money through rhyme. Knowing about rhyme will enable students to identify and write poems in the future. In the book the boy saves up all of his allowance and ends up spending it (1), giving the worker the correct amount of coins (1), and the change that they are supposed to get back. It is a great illustration of how buying something works. Students may have not experienced actually buying anything by themselves yet so this book does a great job showing students the process of purchas (1), Great book to teach kids about giving and being selfless. Also teaches kids about poetry (1), imagery. Teaches kids about simile (1), A great book to teach students about poetry (1), This would be a great book for literature circles. It teaches students about imagination and the fairy tale genre. Students will be able to learn about and compare and contrast different settings of popular story books such as wizard of oz or never land f (1), foreshadowing. Students compare and contrast all of the different poems. (1), so students can create their own adventure that the character goes on based on all of the pictures in the book. (1), Teaches students about irony (1), contentment in the littlest things (1), and about what bullfighting was back in history. It also shows a difference in illustrations with the drawings all in black pen (1), This book talks about how the character travels the world and all of the things she sees and experiences and how she makes the world beautiful. This book can teach children about the different places in the world and how they can help to make our world or (1), This is a great book for beginner readers. The book can teach students how to read and encourage children to learn to love reading. This book actually comes with a c.d so students can read along to the book. This book can also teach students about plot (1), and setting. (1), This book describes how simple excursions can turn into magical and imaginative adventures. Students can learn about metaphors (1), and simile's in this book. Students will be able to imagine and picture themselves actually going through the adventures with the characters based on the illustrations. (1), This book has aspects of science (1), and architecture. There is no words in this book (1), This is a great book that expresses animal rights in disguise. It teaches kids to advocate for things that they believe in. It also teaches kids about strike (1), Teaches students about dialogue because the whole book is written that way (1), making demands. An activity students can do is write things that they want or need or would want to change in the classroom and why like the cows write to the farmer; students can then share their ideas and even have a debate about them. (1), This book can teach children about a hero's quest and journey. Sequence of events. That some hero's are not just superheros or strong men but can be anyone who commits an act of kindness or helps someone complete a task who can't. This book could also tea (1), this is a great book that allows students to be interactive (1), and imaginative. This book will teach students about how children's books may not always contain words and the types of illustrations that they usually always see. This book can teach students how to follow directions and sequencing. what comes first (1), then next (1), then after that. Students can create their own step by step book after this one. (1), This is a great book to teach students about mystery and to teach them that not all readers will interpret every text or story in the same way. When reading each student will see and feel things differently about that text then another student. You could (1), This book can teach students how writers can make an object like a bear come to live in a story through dialogue (1), etc. This is a great book to go over important story elements with kids. An activity you can have students do is to take their favorite stuff animal and write a short story about that stuff animal. (1), This is a great book to teach students about music (1), and characterization. (1), This is a great book for students because it would keep them engaged with how interactive it is. It would allow students to answer the questions that the pigeon asks before an event or circumstance takes place. Students can predict what they think will ha (1), This is a great book to teach students about quest/journey that a character goes on in a story and about friendship.It also teaches student about rhyming. (1), This is a great book to teach students about legends (1), and empathy for animals. Gets them to think about the nature of death (1), This book teaches students about individuality and that there are times that it is good to stand out and times that it is good to fit in.It shares inspirational words and wisdom that would help students go through life in a positive way. (1), This is a very positive and heartfelt book that will teach students about morals in life and good things that you should want or wish for other people. At the end of the book it leaves the question of what would you wish for? which would be a great discus (1), This is a great book to help students understand their value or place in this world and how their personality/ traits fit into all of that. This will help students learn to identify their talents and what makes them unique apart from everyone else. This b (1), This is a great book for literature circles. It would teach students about the rights of animals (1), and how some humans have a corrupt nature about them. It teaches children to be positive and to live life to the fullest (1), to appreciate the things that you have in life and to make the most out of your life. Teaches students about friendship (1), and compassion. (1), This is a great book for literature circles. It contains the themes of friendship (1), and individuality. It is also a book that contains science and math aspects. (1), folktale and even culture. This book also teaches students about dramatic irony and imagery. (1), This is a great book to teach students about creativity and expression. Students can learn ways how to illustrate their own pictures in books or stories that they write and the importance of illustrations. An activity to do with students is to give them a (1), This is a great book to teach students about prediction (1), and cause and effect. it also has a great use of metaphors (1), simile's (1), and personification. (1), This is a great book to teach students about point of view. You could ask students how different the book is told from the wolf's point of you and who's story do they believe the wolf's or the pig. The students could compare and contrast what happened in (1), This book is filled with imagery (1), and simile's. After reading this story students can pick a day of the week and write a story about magical events only taking place on that day. (1), This is a great book to compare the illustrations used in this book to other children books because the illustrations are made with mix media such as watercolors (1), and even cutouts. The book can also teach students about what happens when it snows (1), activities that are done during that time of year (1), the positive and negative affects it can have in a town. (1), This wordless story will allow students to make predictions on what will happen next in the story and what the story is about. It will allow them to come up with their own words of the story. It will teach the students about fossils. (1), Can teach students about writing letters and how letters get to people who live in different parts of the world. the differences of the types of letters there are that you can write (1), Teaches students the effects that the wars have had on animals back then. All students probably have learned is the effects that it has had on humans. Teaches students about cause and effect (1), how would they make them feel included. Another activity to do is have the kids write out how they would feel if they were the invisible kid. (1), engaged (1), journal articles (1), forshadowing (1), text to self (1), the life cycle (1), stanza (1), problem and solution (1), and poetry. (1), and imagery (1), this is a great book to read to your students at the beginning of the year. Explain to the students how we will not make anyone feel left out or not important like the kid in the story did. That everyone in the class is important and has something to offe (1), This book is great for students to teach them about foreshadowing (1), perspective (1), and sequence of events. In the story (1), the boys younger brother tells him that everytime he goes to sleep (1), his parents throw a huge party without him. The boy feels like he is missing out and wants to wait up all night to see what happens. A fun activity to do with students is for them write what they predict what their parents do when they go to sleep. (1), This book is great for students because it would cause them to think critically when it comes to predicting what is going to happen in the story next (1), or what certain images foreshadow in the text. This book also shows students that reading is an adventure! in can cause you to become lost into the text. (1), This is a great book for students because I think the big idea and meaning behind it is that everyone comes from a different background and home life. Not every student will be as privileged as another student. The important message is that there is somet (1), and about their parents and what makes their family special. This will allow students to think more in depth (1), while improving their writing skills at the same time. (1), This is a great book for students to give them the idea that everyone is important and has a special talent. That it is crucial to let people know and to show others that they are important and that they bring so many great things to the table. Otherwise (1), This book is great to read to students and to do activities for. Before reading the story it would be a good idea (1), rhyme (1), tranquility (1), text to the world) ask students questions such as are things different in our society now then they were back then? if so how and why do you think that is. Do you think the rain symbolizes something in the story if so how? you can also relate this book to (1), metaphors (1), history (1), etc (1), art (1), culture (1), setting (1), courage (1), illustrations (1), creativity (1), metaphor (1), voice (1), ecosystems (1), almost wordless book (1), geography (1), conquest (1), diversity (1), compromise (1), sharing (1), collage (1), theme (1), hyperbole (1), sequence of events (1), character analysis (1), labels (1), to ask students to remember what your thoughts are and how you are feeling while i'm reading the story. after reading this book you can teach students about symbolism and do concentric circles of connections with them as a class. Students can write their (1), the difference of the past and present. What is the story relating too. (slavery) this book really gets students to think in depth and critically and to recognize and share their own thinking. (1), Teaches students the use of vocabulary words and spelling in a fun way. (1), This is a great book to read to students to teach them about what books are actually used for and why is it good to read books. An activity that students can do is pick out a book from the library and decide for themselves what that book would be used for (1), This is a good book to students to teach them to not be selfish (1), but rather kind and generous. This is a good book for kindergartners because at this age (1), that struggle to share with others. an activity you can have students do is have them role play with a partner. one student can be the crocodile and the other can play a different animal in the book. The crocodile can not let the other animal in the river (1), This is a great book to teach students about comparisons. You can use a tchart and have the students compare the two trains in the story. This is also a great book to have students differentiate pretend objects vs real objects. (1), This is a great book for students to do an anticipation guide on because it is a wordless picture book. It would be a challenge for students to come up with what is going on in the story without words. Students would get to crest their own story. (1), This is a great book to have students an anticipation guide on because it's a wordless picture book. A neat activity to do with this book is have students draw things for the mouse like the mouse does for himself in the story. Then have them write how the (1), This is a great book to use in your classroom to teach students about making their writing personable and you can even talk about how adding details to your story would make it so much more exciting. A fun activity to have students do is give every studen (1), a story you wrote and tell them that they have to add and change things in the story to make it theirs. (1), This is a great book in your class room to teach students how when you have one thing it will probably depend on another thing to survive or to thrive using. Such as a butterfly needs a flower and a tree needs a sun. A good activity would allow the studen (1), This would be a good book to teach students that everyone has a special talent and you should all be accepting of that and nobody in the classroom is better than someone else. A good activity is to have students share the certain talent that they have and (1), This would be a good book to teach students that it is important to have goals and dreams that way you can work towards achieving them. An activity to do with the students is have them write down. What their dreams and goals are and what they need to do t (1), this would be a great book to read to students at the beginning of the year before they go to the library. after reading this book you could ask the students what would they do if a mean dragon took over their library and didnt let them touch any books (1), good to teach kids the affects that natural disasters can have when it comes to animals. Can teach kids about narrative (1), how illustrations are used to make a story come to life. (1), Great for literature circles. Teaches students about conflict and tragedy. Teaches kids about how life was like during the time period of Nazi's. Teaches students about moral of the story (1), this book can be paired with other books about the holocaust. (1), Can teach students the reasons to write letters (1), comparing and contrasting informal and formal letters. The types of letters that someone can write. (1), Can teach students about nonfiction (1), habitats. Can be used in a text set. (1), Can be used for writing activities on valentines day in the classroom. Can teach students about writing letters and tone. (1), loss (1), Students can compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the two characters in the book. The importance of friendship (1), how would it make them feel if they could not read anymore. You could have students voice their answers or write them down. You can even have students write rules that they think that a library should have. This is a good book to do an anticipation guide (1), This is a great book to use in the classroom for guided reading groups. It is a good book to have students predict what is going to happen in the story. This book is also good to relate to historical events. Such as talking to the students about the time (1), this is a great book to teach kids about voice and tone. A great a activity to do is have the students pick a color crayon that was not mentioned in the story and have them write a letter to the main character about using the color crayon that they choose (1), This is a good book to read to students at the beginning of the year to get them excited about reading books. You could also have students in your class read the book who do not particularly enjoy reading. This book also uses ryming; you could do a lesson (1), This was one of my favorite books growing up. It is a great book to use with students to teach them elements of a story such as setting (1), and problem and solution. This would also be a great book to teach student character external and internal traits. You could also have the students write about how they would feel if they were in camilia shoes and changed colors like she did. (1), this would be a good book to teach students cause and effect. A good activity to do with the students is to have them write on a sticky note one cause and one effect in the book while you are reading to them and then have them put their sticky notes on a (1), This is a good story to read to your class when it comes to getting the message across to your students about always doing your best (1), to work hard (1), and team work. An activity to do with students is have them write about a time where they worked really hard and what the outcome was for working so hard. (1), This book would be good to use in a classroom to teach students about character's feelings and emotions and how certain events can lead to certain feelings and emotions. You can also teach the students how everyone needs a friend. An activity that student (1), This book is good to use in a classroom when it comes to teaching students about narrative reading and writing. You can introduce this book before teaching students about narratives. Students can then create and write their own narrative and practice goin (1), This book would be a good book to read at the beginning of the year because you can teach a lesson on making friends. This book would also be really good to do a cause and effect graphic organizer over for students. You could use this book to teach studen (1), or have them create their own imaginary friend and write a story about him or her. There is also a great use of adjectives in this book so you could also do a lesson over adjectives. (1), or book like the story and have students write a rhyme using the word on the paper. (1), This book has such an exciting and exhilarating story line. This would be a great book to have upper grades read. Doing literary circles using this book would be so beneficial to the students because it would require them to think more in depth about impo (1), I used this book with my reading student and liked it because it was a good book to use to write a letter to either the author or the illustrator on your favorite parts of the book (1), why you liked it (1), what you would change or etc. It is a good book for expressive writing. You could also use this book by teaching students voice and adding humor in their writing. (1), This book can be used to teach students about sequence of events.In this book it lists a recipe for piggy pie and the order in which to add the ingredients. You can have students create their own recipe. This book would also be a good book to teach studen (1), or even theme. (1), this is a good book to teach students about opposites because in the book The teacher is playing the role of two teachers. You can do a comparison chart with students; comparing the good teacher Mrs (1), Nelson to the bad teacher Mrs. Viola. Students could do a writing activity with this story as well. You can have students write about what do you think your teacher would be doing or what would happen to him/her if they went missing. (1), This would be a good book to read to kindergarteners and to teach them about friendship (1), and being generous. A big question you could ask them before reading the book (1), is what do they think makes someone a good friend. Or ask them to think what if they were like the rainbow fish but rather than having all of these nice shining scales (1), they had these fun and nice toys to play with. What if some friends asked you if they could share some of those toys with you and you said no. How do you think those friends would feel? would you share with them? do you think apart of being a good friend (1), Great book to use to teach kids about graphs and charts. this book allows students to make real word connections through creating graphs and charts based on the development of a real tiger's life. (1)
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Jan 29, 2017