Nombre verdadero
David Dwiggins
Sobre mi biblioteca
A couple of years back I cataloged almost my whole collection using Readerware. Then I got a new laptop, got rid of a bunch of books, picked up a bunch of other books, and generally lost track of things. So now I'm starting over from scratch. Currently less than halfway done, but making progress.

Once I have all the books I own added, I may start tagging and adding some of the ones I've read but don't own.

I have weeded a lot of undergrad-era, "never gonna open it again" books, bad freebies that I never finished reading, etc., but there are still a bunch left.

Since I'm now back in grad school yet again, I'm keeping some things on the off chance I actually need to write another paper on the subject. Other books have sentimental value -- I kept all the ones with inscriptions from my grandmother.

Even after the drastic weeding that preceded my last cross-country move, the collection is still way too large -- or at least that's the opinion of the friends who helped lug them all up to my second floor apartment.
Stoughton, MA, USA
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