Nombre verdadero
David Schaich
Sobre mi biblioteca
I include here both books I own and books I've read. I used to reserve 1-star ratings for books I disliked so much that I abandoned them partway through. I've now abandoned that scheme, but my rating system is still skewed to a 2-to-5-star scale.

I have a reading log (currently offline) where I comment in a sentence or two on most of the books in my "Read" collection. I have only imported a few of the more substantial comments here, for books in my "To Review" collection. My goal is to expand these into full reviews, but so far that has happened for only a few. My "Reviewed" collection holds the 60 or so books for which I've written full reviews, which I cross-post to Amazon.

Most of my leisure reading during the past few years has been speculative fiction, to take a break from work. I also enjoy quite a bit of non-fiction (history, science, social(ist) commentary) and some fiction from other cultures (Asia, Africa, Latin America).
Sobre mí
Physicist, programmer, expat. Lecturer in theoretical particle physics at the University of Liverpool.
Liverpool, United Kingdom
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Librerías: Brookline Booksmith, Lucy Parsons Center, News From Nowhere, Symposium Books

Bibliotecas: Boston Public Library

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