
Fiction (288), Philosophy (159), History (113), Philosophy of Science (104), Contemporary Philosophy (95), History of Science (85), Children (75), Non-Fiction (71), Philosophy of Biology (67), label:no (58), Science (52), History of Biology (48), French (45), Biology (40), Science Fiction (24), Darwin (23), Art (22), Oversize (22), British Literature (21), Fantasy (21), Evolutionary Biology (21), Sentimental (21), Physics (20), Russian Literature (16), Religion (15), History of Philosophy (15), Philosophy of Mathematics (15), Music (15), Ethics (14), Humor (13), Comics (12), First Edition (11), War (11), Rare (11), Logic (10), Philosophy of Physics (10), Signed (9), French Literature (7), Photography (6), Ancient Literature (5), Games (5), Modern Philosophy (5), Bioethics (5), Mathematics (4), History of Physics (4), Writing (4), missing (4), Literature (4), My Publications (4), Ancient Philosophy (4), Philosophy Textbook (4), Arab Literature (4), Princeton (3), Environmental Philosophy (3), Textbook (3), Philosophy of Technology (3), Relativity (3), Latin American Literature (3), Typography (3), Reference (3), Inscribed (3), Travel (3), Law (3), Philosophy of Medicine (3), History of Chemistry (3), Go (3), Asian Literature (2), Eastern Philosophy (2), Astrophysics (2), Political Philosophy (2), String Theory (2), Epistemology (2), Puzzles (2), Sport (2), Paleontology (2), Exercise (2), Genetics (2), loan:mom (2), Mostly False (2), Poetry (2), Logical Positivism (1), loc:sentimentalbox (1), Damaged (1), Unnecessarily Large (1), Rome (1), Duplicate (1), Philosophy of Philosophy (1), Particle Physics (1), Film (1), Science Studies (1), Continental Philosophy (1), Buddhism (1), Design (1), Food (1), Russian Philosophy (1), Military Ethics (1), Cellular Biology (1), Dutch (1), Philosophy of Mind (1), African Literature (1), Video Games (1), Running (1), Teaching (1), Botany (1), Spanish Literature (1), Technology (1), loan:mbeutcha (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
May 5, 2006
Nombre verdadero
Julia and Charles Pence
Sobre mi biblioteca
Our library is completely entered; if we own it, it's on here. Particular strengths throughout the history of philosophy, Russian literature, children's literature, and the philosophy, history, and science of biology and physics.

RATINGS: I've finally decided to start rating my books, mostly as a guide for myself as to what I've read and what I haven't. For all books, 0 stars means unread. Other than that:

Philosophy: Five stars means I consider the book an essential work by an essential philosopher; every philosopher should have read it, and laypeople should probably be familiar with it too. Four stars is an important or significant work, or one that I've used quite a bit and really enjoy. Three stars is something I'd never consider getting rid of. Two stars is decent (probably was required reading at some point), and one star is something I feel obligated to keep but don't like at all. If you're surprised by some work of philosophy's being missing, you've probably stumbled into something that I've got as a PDF, which I'm doing more and more these days.

Fiction: Here it's basically one-to-five based on how much I enjoyed reading a particular work. Three stars is the lowest rating that I'll give a book that I didn't like but is important for some reason that I don't fully understand.
Sobre mí
A family consisting of a lecturer in philosophy at Université catholique de Louvain, and a chemical engineer.

[Note: the photo is actually a chunk of our library, showing off our spine labels.]
Brussels, Belgium
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Bibliotecas: Bibliothèques de l'Université catholique de Louvain, Princeton University - Firestone Library

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