
Murder (3), audio book (1), based on the writings of Peter's father (1), Elson Wellbright (1), a descendant of early missionaries to the islands. There have been a series of accidents on the film set (1), and Glenna suspects that someone is trying to kill her or a member of her crew. Can McCone help? McCone is not licensed to operate in Hawaii (1), so she takes along her lover (1), and finds a way to work with the local branch of his security company (1), RKI. As she delves into the curious circumstances on the set (1), McCone keeps running into trouble with the large (1), influential and badly dysfunctional Wellbright family. Two family membersAElson himself and his youngest sonAhave gone missing for some years (1), McCone falls under the spell of the islands. She also fights an attraction to Russ Tanner (1), and nobody seems to care much. As her inquiries lead her inevitably into learning more about the local folklore and history (1), a local helicopter pilot and distant relative of the Wellbrights. Along with a taut (1), expertly plotted story (1), Muller conveys the magical appeal of Kauai (1), as well as the long-simmering resentment of some of the islanders toward white settlers. (1), Kyle McVee (1), NAMELESS DETECTIVE (1), asks her to find out who is sabotaging his efforts to save a San Francisco shipping firm and threatening his life. T. J. (1), Max Adams (1), Book restoration expert Brooklyn Wainwright is happy to be attending the world-renowned Edinburgh Book Fair. But then her ex (1), are making a film about Hawaiian legends and myths (1), is a documentary filmmaker with a project on the island of Kauai. Glenna and her partner (1), Peter Wellbright (1), are decidedly more upscale. But the price of fame is higher than she knows; somewhere there's a woman with Sharon's face (1), McCone's interesting lover. (1), n the old days (1), Sharon McCone was a scrappy (1), idealistic investigator working out of a rambling old San Francisco Victorian that housed the All Souls legal collective. In the 1990s (1), All Souls is a conventionally successful law firm (1), and McCone is on her own. These days her profile is a lot higher (1), thanks to a People magazine article (1), and her digs (1), both personal and professional (1), Sharon's name (1), Glenna Stanleigh (1), and a supply of Sharon's business cards. The impersonator isn't just drumming up business on her own--she's sleeping with McCone's clients and then stealing from them (1), destroying the agency's reputation (1), and threatening Sharon's family and friends as well as her livelihood. The mystery woman may even have found a way to screw up Sharon's relationship with Hy Ripinsky (1), her long-time lover. What's certain is that she knows the most intimate details of McCone's private as well as public life (1), and that wherever Sharon goes (1), her impersonator has somehow managed to get there first. What seemed at first like an innocent case of heroine-worship turns decidedly deadly (1), especially since McCone has no clue as to the mystery woman's motives (1), or identity. (1), McCone's downstairs office neighbor (1), shows up with a bombshell. He has an original copy of a scandalous text that could change history—and humiliate the beloved British monarchy. Trying to get Kyle's story out of her mind (1), the first landmark contains a real dead body—Kyle's. The police are convinced Brooklyn's the culprit (1), Brooklyn takes a nighttime tour of the city. Unfortunately (1), a renowned (1), Brooklyn's boyfriend (1), British security expert Derek Stone (1), has moved to San Francisco and is ready to help. And not a moment too soon (1), because Brooklyn's own apartment is found thoroughly searched. To make matters worse (1), a bleeding Russian stranger barges in (1), and the earlier victim is identified as Ukrainian (1), making it clear to Brooklyn that she's involved in an international conspiracy. Obviously (1), exploring the Kama Sutra's bliss will have to wait until after Brooklyn finds the killer.... (1), Brooklyn's chance to restore a rare first edition of Beauty and the Beast seems a fairytale come true—until she realizes the book last belonged to an old friend of hers. Ten years ago (1), brawny papermaker (1), Robin winds up in big trouble: Her apartment is ransacked (1), fell in love with a stunning beauty (1), and gave her the copy of Beauty and the Beast as a symbol of their love. Soon afterward (1), he died in a car crash (1), and Brooklyn has always suspected his possessive ex-girlfriend and her jealous beau. Now she decides to find out who sold the book and return it to its rightful owner—Emily. She believes a rare book dealer can assist her (1), but when she arrives at his shop (1), she finds him murdered. Is it possible the same couple who may have killed Daniel is now after his edition of Beauty and the Beast? With the help of her handsome boyfriend (1), Brooklyn must unravel the murder plot—before she ends up in a plot herself... (1), A tale set in reverse chronicles the failing marriage of New Orleans residents Michael and Kelly Hayes (1), on the day their divorce becomes final (1), and the great guy she recently met lies murdered in her bed. Now Robin is the number one suspect. Luckily (1), Brooklyn Wainwright anticipates re-creating a beautiful book and spicing up her love life. But before Brooklyn can get started (1), but with an entire convention of suspects (1), thanks to Derek Stone (1), Brooklyn's conducting her own investigation. Before she can crack the case (1), she'll have to find out if the motive for murder was a 200-year-old secret—or something much more personal... (1), Brooklyn Wainwright is a skilled surgeon. Sure (1), her patients might smell like mold and have spines made of leather (1), but no ailing book is going to die on her watch. The same can't be said of Abraham Karastovsky (1), Brooklyn's friend and former employer. On the eve of a celebration for his latest book restoration (1), Brooklyn finds her mentor lying in a pool of his own blood. With his final breath Abraham leaves Brooklyn with a cryptic message (1), "Remember the Devil (1), " and gives her a priceless—and supposedly cursed—copy of Goethe's Faust for safe-keeping. Brooklyn suddenly finds herself accused of murder and theft (1), the humorless—and annoyingly attractive—British security agent who found her kneeling over the body. Now she has to read the clues left behind by her mentor if she is going to restore justice and save her own life... (1), to appraise and restore (1), When it comes to rare books and antiquities (1), Brooklyn Wainwright is a master. Which is why she's returned home to San Francisco to teach a bookbinding class at Bay Area Book Arts. Unfortunately (1), BABA director Layla Fontaine is a horrendous host who pitches fits and lords over her subordinates. With the help of her beau (1), British security officer Derek Stone (1), Brooklyn manages to put up a brave face and endure. Unfortunately (1), someone else is not so forgiving. Layla is found dead of a gunshot wound (1), and Brooklyn is bound and determined to investigate. But when Layla's past ends up intertwined with Derek's (1), Brooklyn realizes that the case is much more personal than she thought—and that the killer might want to close the book on her for good. (1), When she receives an exquisite copy of the Kama Sutra from her best friend (1), and more glimpses into the tangled soul of Hy Ripinsky (1), a stinging attack on the callousness of the Witness Protection Program (1), there are several evocative flying scenes that help groundlings understand why people do it (1), Sharon learns (1), mysterious vandalism and murder on the site of a decrepit Victorian mansion. (1), Though the single (1), 35-ish investigator for San Francisco's All Souls Law Cooperative suspects her client (1), custom shirtmaker Rudy Goldring (1), isn't being completely candid with her (1), she agrees to tail Frank Wilkonson (1), the manager of the Burning Oak Ranch (1), whose activities (1), are confined to places and events connected with the horticulture world. At Goldring's apartment to deliver her report (1), On a pleasure trip to the Sacramento Delta (1), she encounters a frantic woman fleeing the premises and the clothier's corpse. Searching for clues (1), Sharon finds a leather pouch belonging to a derelict Goldring has befriended (1), and the homeless man becomes the main suspect in the murder. Believing in his innocence (1), the sleuth turns her attention to Wilkonson and to locating the unidentified woman while coping with upheaval in her co-workers' personal lives. (1), to help her sister (1), When a priceless collection of sacred Torah scrolls turns up at a San Francisco flea market (1), Sharon McCone is called upon to protect sidewalk sale kingpin Willie Whelan from a stalker and a band of fanatical killers. (1), Sharon relates details in the case that takes her to meet Bobby Fisher in San Quentin where he's doomed to the gas chamber for the murder of Tracy Kostakos (1), a popular comic. Hoping to save Bobby (1), Sharon McCone encounters ghostly intervention (1), and a pornographer. (1), Jay Larkey and his partner (1), First Sharon McCone - antique dealer murdered - store with unusual items (1), Robin (1), plans (1), as always (1), Hy Ripinsky (1), who (1), Emily (1), his wife (1), Derek Stone (1), First appearance of Hy Ripinsky - environmentalists (1), including Edwin (1), a preacher (1), A friend (1), who is an architectural restorer murdered. (1), Suspicious deaths at an exclusive hospice (1), a missing social worker (1), a town full of secretive (1), hostile residents (1), and a body on the beach lead Sharon McCone down a deadly trail of secret lives and into mortal danger. (1), Believing that someone from the shadowy underworld San Francisco's Tenderloin district is trying to drive out the Vietnamese families living at the Globe Apartments (1), Sharon McCone finds suspects in a poet (1), the investigator questions the owners of the Club Comedie (1), Rob Soriano (1), the rewards are well worth the effort. In this case (1), and he misses his latest target (1), has roused the fear and ire of environmentalist groups with whom Hy had once been associated. The high-tech security outfit is convinced Hy has stolen the ransom; Sharon (1), unsure of anything (1), says she'll find him and get back the money. Evading their suspicious operatives and the cops (1), she infiltrates southern California's community of illegals (1), makes some valuable friends and fierce enemies and learns in a final (1), breathtaking confrontation the full extent of her own resources. (1), McCone has just left the All-Souls Legal Cooperative and opened her own business when an eccentric friend from her UC-Berkeley days (1), who now specializes in rescuing failing corporations (1), It's worth a $1 million reward to Sharon McCone if she catches the man called the Diplo-bomber. He's set off bombs at consulates all over the U.S. Now he's in San Francisco (1), the embassy of a small Arab emirate. McCone soon discovers some disturbing things about this strange (1), her lover Hy Ripinsky disappears. She traces him to a slick security firm for whom he apparently agreed to deliver the $2 million ransom to the abductors of the CEO of a biotech company about to market a cancer drug. The drug (1), forbidding embassy. One is the American woman kept a virtual prisoner there by her Arab mother-in-law. The other is a mischievous (1), lonely nine-year-old girl who's in grave danger not only from the terrorist but also from her estranged playboy father. When the child disappears (1), McCone follows her trail to a Caribbean island where her rescue mission takes her dangerously close to death and the hidden motive behind the Diplo-bomber's explosions. (1), McCone is assigned to provide security for Ricky Savage (1), a country-and-western superstar who happens to be McCone's brother-in-law. Savage has been the target of hate notes that are terrorizing the singer (1), and six kids. McCone's job is to turn up the culprit before Savage's tour to promote his new album collapses under the weight of his fear and paranoia. (1), San Francisco-based private detective Sharon McCone is tracking a man whose actions have already caused the deaths of two women who loved and trusted him in the 18th installment of this memorable series. Because Marcia Muller's books are as much about McC (1), occasionally dysfunctional family as they are about the cases themselves (1), first-time visitors might have trouble sorting out all the relatives. But (1), extracted from dolphin cartilage (1), is assuming a corporate air; the partners want their unconventional investigator to move into a more administrative position. At the same time (1), Soriano's wife and everyone else who had known Tracy (1), build a case he will retry in the legal profession's Historical Tribunal. Stuart will defend Lisstet Benedict (1), including her parents (1), fiance and roommate. The consensus is that the witty monologuist paradoxically lacked a sense of humor but had created hilarious routines by cruelly parodying people close to her. Digging deeper into the said already (1), entertainer's past (1), McCone investigates the murder of a former anti-Vietnam War activist (1), discovers that his four beneficiaries are being targeted by a homicidal sniper. (1), Sharon unearths evidence that she may pay for with her own life. Affair with dead girl's father. . (1), Woman in Sharon's apt building is murdered - Psychic on 3rd floor too. Blindman is murderer. Old friend is drunk and a suspect. Affair with homicide detective. (1), McCone agrees to help lawyer Jack Stuart (1), her colleague at All Souls Legal Cooperative (1), who was recently released from prison after doing time for killing and mutilating her husband's young lover in 1956. Benedict was convicted on the testimony of her then-10-year-old daughter (1), long Sharon's employer (1), now Stuart's lover (1), who hopes a new trial will turn up evidence (1), clearing her mother and exonerating herself. McCone finds herself emotionally drawn into the decades-old crime (1), especially to the murder scene--a now-uninhabited Seacliff mansion that then housed the Institute of North American Studies (1), a conservative think tank where Benedict's husband worked. Anti-Communist sentiment and personal betrayal figure large in the resolution of the 36-year-old crime and contemporary deaths that its revisiting inspire. (1), On a case that winds through her personal history (1), Sharon hides out in her childhood home near San Diego and crosses (1), not always legally (1), the U.S.-Mexican border to end up facing a future quite different than what she--or we--might have predicted. All Souls Legal Cooperative (1), revisit their shared history to evaluate the insecurities and inabilities that have driven them apart. (1)
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Jan 10, 2010
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Carol Williamson
Dayton, OH