
excellent (5), interesting (4), so well written (3), well-written (3), nigeria political (2), exciting (2), Africa (2), fantastic writing (2), kept me in suspense. Also (2), riveting (2), informative (2), very good (2), and in the city. Sengalese author. (1), First introduction to Sri Lankan author: loved the book (1), Takes place on Maritius (1), the author is interesting (1), Nigeria very good (1), also from Sri Lanka (1), now reading The Reef by Romesh Gunesekera (1), Just love these stories and her writing: am waiting for her next book! (1), Very interesting about hawkers of wooden elephants and trinkets on beaches (1), Caine Prize Books fantastic! (1), Am currently reading and thoroughly enjoying! (1), Dual citizenship: Bangladesh and Australia; excellent vocabulary (1), Just love the way he writes ( Sri Lanka) (1), Just hilarious great book! (1), classic (1), Can't say enough about this book! Author fantastic and theme as well! (1), Loved this book from the first page. Easy reading (1), Pretty good but not as good as she usually writes! (1), Palestinian family dynasty Each chapter family member speaks (1), Just love the way she writes! (1), Just started it and know it is going to be very interesting ! (1), Starts slowly and then picks up speed (1), interesting and informative. (1), I am a big fan of Henrietta Rose-Innes as an author! She writes in her own unique style and the books are so compelling! (1), Can't wait for this author to write another book! (Sri Lanka) (1), A most unusual style of writing but I really liked it. It was written in the first person continuous letters to a lover. Excellent vocabulary and literary style! (1), vivid descriptions! I couldn't put this book down ! (1), I like the style of writing; author has unique writing style! (1), Interesting interviews (1), tedious to read because of length and small print (1), /excellent Filipino author: Historical fiction Philippines (1), Sri Lanka: I liked these stories; they are all connected with family members. (1), Courageous couple to escape Zimbabwe with all those horses. Informative memoir. (1), interesting from the first page (1), Interesting writing: author is from Sri Lanka (1), Different style of writing (1), Not one of my favorites (1), Hong Kong to America young girl and mother factory work at beginning (1), family dynamics...Senegal background (1), and Kawasha in Somalia (1), Filsan (1), felt like I was with Depo (1), loved it! A love letter to Iran; Wonderful book! (1), Really liked this book Caribbean (1), very well-written Sikhs and pogrom in India (1), a little repetative toward the end (1), Interesting didn't finish too long (1), fascinating: South African Freedom Fighters (1), Liked it a lot (1), fantastic author! (1), Very spiritual book Tutsis and Hutus in Rwanda (1), Albino; interesting creative story (1), Thriller by zimbabwe author (1), originally from Afghanistan (1), One of the most prophetic heartwarming books! Read it in three days. (1), good all the way through (1), Different perspective on Afghanistan (1), Anything written by this author is excellent (1), Libya Revolution as seen from young boy's perspective; sensitive writing (1), excellent philosophical essays (1), A real page turner! Authentic stories written by journalist (1), book about Colombia; author writes with such detail! (1), in my estimation! Fantastic author! (1), Wonderful person narrative about her life (1), really like the style and metaphors !! (1), excellent: Eritrean who ends up in Saudi Arabia; love story Really liked author's style (1), kept me going (1), Fantastic depiction of family in Iran affected by Islamic Regime (1), Short Stories S. Africa; Fantastic; Really liked this variety of stories (1), Excellent writing (1), Interesting and informative true narrative which gave such a graphic insight into the culture in Saudi Arabia. (1), will read it again sometime! (1), Informative but didn't keep my attention (1), wonderful perspective from the adoptee (1), not only enjoyable but informative with a different perspective on the politics of South Africa. Coming of age and certainly well-worth reading! (1), so easy to read. Author writes so well and it was (1), fantastic writing! Cannot put this book down. I like her writing so much will try her other books too! (1), interesting don't remember much of the book at the moment (1), so I didn't finish the book. Fascinating theme about the pigeons being the diamond smugglers! (1), great writer! Liked this book from the very first page. (1), Famous philanthropist who donated millions to start libraries in the U.S. Interesting historical fiction (1), Felt like I was with the author on her travels! (1), Great insight into a woman's life in Saudi Arabia (1), great witty light author: takes place in Singapore Fun to read (1), Gives overall view of Germany before and during Hitler (1), Malay etc. (1), Different ethnic backgrounds of protagonists in Singapore: Chinese (1), Hedy Lamarr story (1), Takes place on Cyprus (1), Short stories Henrrietta Rose-Innes one of my very favorite authors; she never disappoints me! (1), Very candid and authentic narrative about the life in Saudi Arabia (1), so informative and descriptive about his travels through African countries (1), Informative about military couples and culture in service in Vietnam (1), Extremely interesting and also True (1), Informative memoir and so well-written (1), Monique Roffey doesn't disappoint with this book; wonderful!! (1), told the many accomplishments of the protagonist who worked for the United NATIONS (1), A mirror into Saudi Society now (1), Well written about an interrogator in Iran (1), Suspenseful and descriptive (1), Very iinsightful (1), Interesting coming of age (1), Stories by Bangladeshi-Canadian author Don't usually like short stories but this book may have changed my mind (1), Enjoyed it very much (1), takes place hill country in India (1), SLICE OF LIFE IN APPALACHIA (1), adolescent to adulthood; a memoir. Brilliantly written with great emotion and vivid descriptions of the landscape and environment! (1), CARIBBEAN: JAMAICA: Page turner (1), Mary Berry is so witty (1), I kept going but not one of my favorites (1), Interesting writing style; good vocabulary (1), unusual prose and theme of the book is so powerful; protagonists black principal of school and white priest FANTASTIC BOOK! Can't wait to read her other ones: Coconut and Period Pain! (1), A window into Saudi Society and insight into how females live under strict rules! (1), I like anything written by Damon Galgut (1), and uplifting. Thoroughly enjoyed reading about her life! (1), I am not partial to short stories but like this author and enjoyed the book! (1), I enjoy the way he writes (1), This book was a page-turner but quite long. Liked it very much! (1), Narrator young girl (author's mother) about Armenian genocide and family's survival (1), Simply cannot put this book down! Just finished this book and I can say that this was one of the best books I have read !!!! I was fascinated from page to page without any down time. Even though is was quite a thick book it had me totally immersed from pa (1), A definite page-turner: Narrated by Ada the other characters are Dawn (1), Mrs. Harrington (1), really catches the feelings and emotions of the three main characters! (1), I really like his unusual way of writing: he always portrays the characters' thoughts toward one another along with the theme (1), great descriptions of nature on the Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa (1), this is one of my favorite books. Australian sheep farm (1), who was abandoned by his father grows up in Iran (1), Definitely (1), Very descriptive of Marshland enviroonment (1), Great informative book! (1), Fantastic writer would like to re-read sometime! (1), MOONSHINE (1), Very good but lost interest toward the end (1), Each and every page kept me glued to the book! Excellent writing and good vocabulary. Boy (1), Ananda Devi writes about the other side of paradise on the island of Mauritius I like the way the author uses metaphors throughout the book! (1), light and witty (girl talk) South Africa (1), Sooo much fun to read (1), Exciting toward the end; illegal immigrants crossing the border from Mexico (1), Intense all the way through but good writing and worth reading (1), This book had me off my seat to know what was coming next! What excellent writing; felt like protagonist all the way through! (1), Exciting! So well written! (1), Keeps me interested (1), Historical fiction* Fantastic writing (1), good African memoir (1), Jamaica Great Book (1), the Master (1), ireland and africa (1), sundarbarns (1), without question (1), man eating tigers (1), Historical background (1), homorous (1), Dar es Salaam (1), picks up speed toward the end (1), Great book (1), Phil (1), Trinidad (1), Interesting (1), kept my interest (1), loved this book (1), great vocabulary and metaphors (1), exciting memoir - daughter of saddam's Hussein's private pilot (1), very well written (1), articulate author (1), author a bit cynical (1), a page turner; I couldn't stop! (1), wittty (1), great book; am waiting for the rest of the trilogy (1), couldn't read fast enough (1), great theme (1), jeanette walls' grandmother feisty character-enjoyable reading (1), fast paced- toward the end (1), unusual writing style (1), best seller and worth reading (1), an eye opener-lake naivasha (1), saffron from crocus (1), As always (1), pakistan -culture clash (1), India (1), Great writing (1), Afghanistan - photojournalist assignment (1), couldn't put it down (1), so interesting (1), africa (1), environment (1), Afghanistan (1), different (1), nature (1), witty (1), Sri Lanka (1), Indian (1), funny (1), Short Stories (1), historical (1), great book (1), wonderful (1), conservation (1), upbeat (1), humorous (1), Ghana (1), loved it (1), enjoyable (1), Ivory Coast (1), excellent author (1), boxer (1), A classic (1), Excellent author (1), easy reading (1), historical background (1), cafes (1), short stories (1), Cape Town (1), good author (1), one of my favorite books (1), Jordanian author.. one of a trilogy (1), not one of my favorite books (1), this book is a treasure; writing speaks right from the page! Historical fiction and sooo informative! Want to read all her books. (1), intense but worthwhile (1), the book was extremely well written and Daresh came right out of the pages. (1), This book was one of my favorites; true story very exciting to read (1), fantastic writing and introspective (1), I really enjoyed this book (1), wonderful magic realism (1), I just loved every short story! (India) (1), interesting life-but not that well written (1), The author was a publisher in Tehran (1), Chinese in Jamaica (1), Prestigious boys' school Zimbabwe political theme (1), Pakistan/ bond between Sikh Indian Moslem (1), Just the kind of book I like to read ! David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (1), characters stepped right out of the pages; a book that will be indelible in my memory. Really captures the Caribbean experience and ambiance of living on an island there. (1), author takes reader into mind of protagonists (1), Iran. Written about Neda who was shot during a demonstration in the streets there (1), Excellent writing from child's perception (1), Such a visual book (1), I just love his style of writing; I can hear his voice when reading! (1), love the writing...Mestizo (1), writing fair (1), Interesting theme but not one of my favorite authors writing not exciting as the theme (1), love of animals and support for first African Nature Reserve (1), light (1), Twin sister of the Shah of Iran: informative and I like her writing (1), Takes place Belgian Congo ..journalist (1), american woman marries Iranian and goes to live in his country when the Revolution against the Shah breaks out (1), good but not as good as her others (1), Jamaican author ....pretty good (1), Interesting but not one of my favorites (1), # 2 of Trilogy #1 The Age of Orphans A good profile of some immigrants from Iran to America (1), excellent writer great descriptive talent (1), wonderful memories of mother and cooking (1), I felt as if I was truly there in India with these people (1), descriptions of nature wonderful (1), read-page turner-Guyana (1), magic realism-----repititious (1), cleverly written intertwing the 5 characters (1), excellent writing and character portrayl (1), informative-Zimbabwe (1), seychelle islands----ancient magic (1), avant garde-magic realism -probing the mind (1), fantastic-prequil to My Cleaner (1), intense Ethopia war (1), Uganda...great writing style (1), good charcter portrayal of Mary Tendo and Vanessa---Uganda (1), interesting but the author was not the best (1), informative life of the kurds (1), magic realism excellent author (1), Mauritian author (1), South America- Amazon (1), written with great empathy (1), Liberia - historical fiction -worth reading (1), kept me interested (1), memoir Jewish South African family (1), anything by Vassanji is excellent (1), YA excellent insight into Uganda Indian relations (1), Tanzania late colonial days (1), wonderful memoir South Africa Lorraine Loltz (1), interesting short stories insight into the bushveld life (1), It is a Caribbean Classic: Dominica (1), Iranian publisher gives insight into Iranian life (1), at times graphic- makes impression one will never forget (1), excellent good vocabulary (1), Iran society during Shah (1), Connected short stories (1), non-fiction with element of mystery (1), couldn't put this down!! (1), Interesting to me because takes place in Africa (1), At ties written like poetry; liked the book (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Feb 13, 2009
Gloucester, Ma. U.S.A.

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