
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
If I ever manage to get everything cataloged it would be a miracle. I have at least 5 bookcases filled with books in my house, and there are numerous others to be found on side tables and in bathrooms. I mostly want to try to get everything listed so I know what I have and what I've read. We share a lot of popular fiction books in my family and I know that I have books that I never read (hello Kite Runner - where are you hiding?) that I should read just on principle.
Sobre mí
Learning to read at 4 years old, how could I not love books! I always have been and hope to always be a voracious reader. I tend not to be snobby about what authors or genre I read, I read anything from political non-fiction to Dean Koontz to Nora Roberts to the back of a cereal box. That being said, a lot of the bodice ripping romance novels I just can't get into, and I put those in the same category as reading the tabloid magazines, junk food for the brain, great in small doses.
Naperville, IL
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Librerías: Anderson's Bookshop - Naperville

Bibliotecas: Naperville Public Library - Nichols Library