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Mar 30, 2009
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
I've had to rebuild it a couple of times. OK, more than a couple. Changing continents and getting divorced does that to a library. What's in it (then and now)? A lot of Sci Fi. I credit (I know, I know, you've heard it before) Robert A. Heinlein and Andre Norton as the people I wish my parents could have been 50% like. Those two authors, more than any I can think of, helped me survive childhood.

But of course, lest readers think I am the '60s equivalent of the Star Wars Aspergerian, I have everything on the shelf from Homer (in translation) to Doctorow. History, science, philosophy, politics, business, technology, ecology and most of all, people and how they fit into the universe(s) are of interest to me.
Sobre mí
I could have been anything, but pursued a general direction towards science and technology, even though I liked to draw and imagine alternatives that weren't possible. So, now I find myself as a generalist with interest in the technical, the esthetic, and also the business/political realms. It certainly makes me hard to pigeon-hole. Passions include books, writing and publishing, technology that makes a difference (good and bad), and the many media that influence emotion: film, writing, image, music, dance.

And, I dabble in some of them.
Vancouver BC
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