
Historical Fiction (18), Fiction (14), Love (8), Memoir (7), Fantasy (7), Chic Lit (6), Business (5), England (5), Mystery (5), Satire (5), USA (4), Psychology (4), Travel (4), Ireland (3), Science Fiction (2), Nutrition (2), Guide (2), Sweden (2), Diet (2), Midwest (2), Change (2), Pop Culture (2), Friendship (2), Women (2), Family (2), Management (2), Inspirational (2), History (2), World Travel (2), Poverty (2), Crime (2), New York City (2), Australia (2), China (2), Cousin's War (1), High School (1), Sophie Kinsella (1), Alcoholism (1), Race (1), Journalism (1), Timepiece (1), Colonial USA (1), Jealousy (1), American Immigrants (1), Strippers (1), Environment (1), Oprah (1), Wilderness (1), Comedy (1), Prejudism (1), Irish Foklore (1), England. Society (1), Communism (1), Historical fiction (1), Culture of Food (1), Industrial Food Chain (1), Knoweldge (1), Colombia (1), Three Stages of Amazement (1), Caste Systems (1), Detective (1), Disfunctional Family (1), Automobiles (1), Friendships (1), Small Town (1), Perseverance (1), Storyteller (1), Determination (1), Parable (1), Obesity (1), Haunted House (1), Popular Culture (1), Circus (1), Childhood (1), Education (1), Obsession (1), Audiobook (1), Violence (1), Founding Fathers (1), Life Lessons (1), Sorrow (1), Black Culture (1), American Culture (1), Autism (1), Cancer (1), Love Affairs (1), Plague (1), Aspergers Syndrome (1), Sexual Violence (1), Health (1), Vampires (1), Trust (1), Local Food (1), East Coast (1), accident (1), Irish History (1), Overcoming the odds (1), Dublin (1), Berkshires (1), Holocaust (1), Utah (1), Divorce (1), Happiness (1), Adultery (1), Essays (1), New England (1), American History (1), Social Issues (1), Power (1), 1950s (1), revenge (1), Competition (1), Murder (1), Philosophy (1), Paris (1), Drama (1), London (1), Loyalty (1), Death (1), Fantasy Fiction (1), Latter Day Saints (1), Computer Hacking (1), Sociology (1), Brave (1), Tudor (1), Revolution (1), Humor (1), Culture (1), Thriller (1), Young Adult (1), Anthropology (1), Science (1), Historically accurate (1), Home life (1), Leadership (1), Suspense (1), Historical Event (1), Golden Retriever (1), Accounting (1), Classic (1), Chinese (1), War of the Roses (1), Sweeden (1), Starting Over (1), FBI (1), Italian Language (1), Social Pressures (1), Relegion (1), Romance. Love (1), Anne Neville (1), Simon Vance (1), Reno (1), family. love (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Dec 4, 2007
Sobre mi biblioteca
I bounce between pleasure reading (chick lit), fiction, and history and social science interests. I hope to one day have a review on every book I have cataloged...
Sobre mí
I love to read, travel, eat and drink good wine. Friends and family are my foundation. I am a Scorpio in all traits.
Chicago, IL

Conexiones de miembros

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