
Sep 30, 2015
Nombre verdadero
Bill Treasurer
Sobre mí
Bill Treasurer is founder and Chief Encouragement Officer at Giant Leap Consulting. Bill is the author of Courage Goes to Work, a book about how to inspire more courageous behavior in workplace settings. The book introduces Bill’s pioneering work in the new organizational development practice of courage-building.

Bill’s first book, Right Risk is about how to take smart risks, and draws on Treasurer’s experiences as both an organizational development professional and as a daredevil athlete. Management guru Ken Blanchard calls Right Risk “a book for our times.”

Bill Treasurer has also served as chief editor of Positively M.A.D. (Making A Difference), a compilation of stories from world-renowned experts that inspires readers to make a difference in their organizations. Gannett newspapers calls it “required reading for all employees contemplating putting a co-worker’s tie through the shredder — with the co-worker still attached.”

Bill’s insights have been featured in over 100 newspapers, including The Washington Post, The NY Daily News, The Chicago Tribune, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Boston Herald, and Investor’s Business Daily. Bill’s insights have also appeared in such magazines as Leader to Leader, Entrepreneur, Woman’s Day, Redbook, Fitness, and The Harvard Management Update.

Bill is a former member of the U.S. High Diving Team. For seven years he traveled throughout the world performing with a team of high performing athletes. During that time, Bill did over 1500 high dives from heights that scaled to over 100 feet . . . sometimes on fire!
Asheville, NC
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