
Jan 13, 2006
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Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
Part inherited from Dad, part put together for courses I was on, part research for stories that mostly never got finished. I've read at least half of it... I think...

The fiction is slowly changing from mostly Dad's SF collection to my mostly female authored or TV Tie-in F&SF collection. And there are audiobooks. A LOT of audiobooks.

I think the part that impresses me most about my library is I've been using LibraryThing since the start of 2006 and yet there's still parts of the bedroom not in the catalog. ... oops?
... 2016: Victory! I have at least attempted to catalog every box and shelf. Remaining gaps are shelving errors. Or new books. Or... okay, so, there's probably still gaps, but I tried!
Sobre mí
Eclectic. Sometime writer. Mature student, slowly got a First in a Cultural Studies degree.
Norfolk, England
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