Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca

My personal library is fairly diverse, but as I have expanded my reading and started purchasing more books, I needed a better way to track everything. I am still in the process of adding all of my books here. I have my books spread through the house, but they are generally separated by type of book. I have yet to process my non-fiction reads, classic reads, or children's literature. And I definitely haven't looked on my bookshelf of shame of damaged, annotated, and earmarked paperbacks to sort them since so many badly need replacing.

Currently, I am in a fantasy and science fiction reading kick, with a dash of romance, which is what most of my current reads and new buys fall under. I fell back in love with the genre that I used to read when I was a child since I needed a new escape. I had spent the last several years focusing on reading non-fiction, specifically about evolutionary biology or socio-economic & political reads. I desperately needed a break from that and have found myself back in the new worlds that I had left behind so long ago.

Sobre mí

In my day-to-day life, I am an educator for an alternative HS, helping students get back on track for graduation. I am also a cosplayer and love conventions. I have a wonderful husband who supports my book-buying schemes, even when he complains about my dragon habits. Just like the fantasy I read, I have become a book dragon. Hoarding away beautiful books and special editions. Reading time is my favorite happy place where I can snuggle under warm covers with my dogs near by and disappear in a different world.
