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May 18, 2010
Nombre verdadero
Evelina Acosta
Sobre mi biblioteca
I would say my library is fairly eclectic.
Sobre mí
I'm 46 years old. Happily married for 17 years. Mother of 2 smart, wonderful kids. I love to read and talk about books. My husband is hooked on audiobooks now and I keep him supplied with thrillers and Dumas adventures.

I've vacationed, worked, and lived in many places in the US, enjoying it's many unique beauties. Currently I live Puerto Rico and have been here for 8 years now, working and raising our children. I wish I had been able to visit other parts of the world, it's such a great place to explore, but if I can't get my body there, a book is the next best thing.

I enjoy reading historical fiction, classics, history, biography, and world literature. But I wouldn't hesitate to read science fiction, fantasy, graphic novels, contemporary, or any other genre if the subject interests me. What is important is that it's a good story and well-written.

I became hooked on opera about two years ago. My favorite styles are baroque and bel canto and my favorite artists are Cecelia Bartoli, Natalie Dessay, and Juan Diego Flores.

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