Miembroagprosser(he, his, him)

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Jan 15, 2008
Nombre verdadero
Aaron G. Prosser
Sobre mi biblioteca

I joined LibraryThing as an undergraduate and immediately loved it! Stepped away for a few years to get married, go to seminary, have three children, etc., but am now active again!

I enjoy reading historical fiction, journals, collections of letters, biographies, a little science fiction, and some general fiction. I also love theology, church history, prayer books, monasticism, and many little curiosities. I hope you enjoy!

Most of what is cataloged here is in my professional office as an Anglican Priest.

Sobre mí
Anglican priest navigating faith, family, and vocation amidst too many good books, long distances, and an overdeveloped sense of curiosity.
Uniontown, Pennsylvania
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Bibliotecas: Uniontown Public Library

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