
yoga (59), self-improvement (41), meditation (36), spirituality (36), history (32), white occult (30), psychology (28), PSI (28), yoga scripture (25), biography (25), scripture (24), arts and crafts (24), fiction (22), magazines and related media (18), Buddhism (16), healing (16), chess (13), mental development (12), Bhagavad Gita (11), science (9), music (9), theosophy (8), Christianity (8), Tibetan (7), channeling (7), classics (7), Ascension (7), creativity (7), organization (6), Judaism (6), beginners (6), Yoga-sutras (6), simple living (6), memory (6), military (5), divination (5), hatha yoga (5), science fiction (5), writing (5), travel (5), Wicca (5), woodworking (4), kundalini yoga (4), Hinduism (4), chakras (4), kriya yoga (4), games (4), Iskcon (4), Islam (4), symbols (4), chess overview (4), languages (4), read but unowned (4), vaishnism (3), tantra yoga (3), boats (3), catalogs-directories and household instructions (3), Spanish (3), ascension (3), yoga-sutras (3), karma yoga (3), philosophy (3), spiritualism (3), chess history (3), health (3), crystals gems and stones (3), mudras (2), Mazda (2), nada yoga (2), Tarot cards (2), ayurvedic (2), candles (2), color (2), Chinese (2), Latin American (2), instructions (2), Shaivism (2), cards (2), Japanese (2), alchemy (2), romance (2), survival (2), mathematics (2), dreaming (2), angels (2), computer (2), mandalas (2), pyramids (2), prosperity (2), martial arts (2), Upanishads (2), journaling (2), tantra (2), advanced (2), fitness (2), mystery teachings (2), white occcult (1), Viet Namese (1), and household intructions (1), ascension decrees (1), yoga scriptures (1), Irish (1), Theosophy (1), culanderos (1), Shiva-sutras (1), Edgar Cayce (1), Yoga (1), Hermetic occultism (1), scribd (1), catalogs (1), samyama (1), manifestation (1), scriptures (1), Israel (1), Kabbalah (1), Celtic (1), quantum (1), animal rights (1), Columbia (1), Shaolin (1), Shakespeare (1), reference (1), occult (1), Korean (1), mcpl (1), ebook (1), small books (1), mindfulness (1), Ramayana (1), hypnosis (1), vairagya (1), brahmacharya (1), theater (1), plants (1), tarot (1), wicca (1), japa yoga (1), folk music (1), Sikh (1), yoga nidra (1), pranayama (1), music book (1), directories (1), dowsing (1), Lord Krishna (1), mandalas symbols (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Aug 31, 2023
Nombre verdadero
William M Swyter
Sobre mi biblioteca

I have small physical collections about yoga, psi, chess, crafts; they are sorted by author and never leave the collection, though new books can be added-by adding a decimal number to the book to the left of it; each collection has it's own tag (name of collection) and each book has other tags where they are relevant; I am hoping to have master "list" listed alphabetically by author to search tags with the location of the book being indicated by it's home collection; I also hope to have separate lists for each collection; I am hoping that LibraryThing will "foot the bill" to help me do what I plan to do.

Sobre mí

I have loved books and libraries since I got my first library card at age 5 or so. I have also become interested in many subjects and buy books accordingly, though I admit that I have read a huge number of library books. I order it if I may have occasion to refer to it again. A major project for me now is to organize and catalog what I have-then with a good system I can easily add more. When I visit or live in a new town, I am very interested in the library.

Gaithersburg, MD