
Sobre mi biblioteca
It's massive. I recently boxed up some heaps to make a home gym. I have a large stack of Trek novel, including the James Blish adaptations that introduced me to it. Fantasy such as Tolkien, Guy Kay, and yes, the Potter series. Bad grammar, good fun. Many thrillers, mysteries, some romance. I have eclectic tastes. Love Ludlum, Dick Francis...
Sobre mí
I live in the boonies of, the perfect place to contemplate and write. I met my hubby in a science fiction club meeting, and we passed the geek genes onto our (grown) kids. My Kindergarten teacher noted "Wendy has a very large vocabulary. That, along with a vivid imagination makes her quite a story teller." I never-the less studies biology for years before turning to writing (and painting). I have one novel out, one to be released May 1, 2021, a fantasy on my hard drive, and more in the current series in the works.
New Brunswick, Canada
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