Sobre mi biblioteca
I grew up with classic science fiction and fantasy authors like Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert, Ursula K LeGuin, Tanith Lee, and Jack Vance. During my student days, I discovered JRR Tolkien, Douglas Adams, and Tad Williams. As a result, my library is heavily skewed to SFF, but I also love classic Jane Austen and over-the-top chicklit and romcoms. I used to collect a lot of interesting looking freebies and anthologies and am as bad to discard ebooks as I am with physical books.
Sobre mí
Introverted book nerd, who spent most of her childhood in the local library. Although I can read in three languages (Dutch, Norwegian and English), I mostly read English books. Switched years ago to digital books when I ran out of room for new books in my house. I don't like the walled garden called Amazon/Kindle, but love to discover and support indie authors.
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