Nombre verdadero
Gabrielle S. Faust
Sobre mi biblioteca
My library is a diverse collection of titles ranging from non-fiction studies on quantum physics to intense science fiction and dark horror. I have extremely eclectic tastes and am very picky about the quality of what I am spending my time reading. You will never find fluff amongst my shelves! I will be adding to this library steadily as I comb through my shelves...
Sobre mí
I am the author of the upcoming technohorror vampire series "Eternal Vigilance" currently scheduled to debute with the first book in the series "From Deep Within the Earth" December of 2007 (Dalton Publishing). Primarily my focus as a writer has been horror and science fiction. However, I am also an author of free-verse poetry and published my first collection in 2005 entitled "Before Icarus, After Achilles". Asides from writing, I have worked over the past ten years as a graphic designer/pr guru/brand strategist in various markets, including the establishment of the independent, freelance studios Faust Productions and Manami International...
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