Nombre verdadero
UU Community Church - RE Library
Sobre mi biblioteca
These books are all housed at the church, in the RE office or in classrooms, with the exception of some books that are in the DRE's personal collection. All books listed in this catalog are available to be borrowed by members of the church; priority is given to RE teachers for any books needed for classes.

Books tagged "Catherine's" are in Catherine's personal collection, and may be housed at the church or in her home. Ask her directly if you'd like to borrow one of those books.

We are working on creating a check-out system for the library. In the meanwhile, contact Catherine if you'd like to borrow a book and she will locate it for you.
Sobre mí
This is the in-process site for the Religious Exploration Library at the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica. Maintained by Catherine Farmer Loya, Director of Religious Education.
Santa Monica, California
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