Nombre verdadero
The UNCG Women and Gender Studies Participatory Library
Sobre mí
Mission & Vision Statement
The library will take an activist role and promote the advancement of women's issues and gender equity through its services, advocacy efforts and educational programs. The department promotes the use of these materials by the University’s academic community, and the community at large. To that end the library’s mission is to:

1. Embrace alternative relationships to information and is committed to promoting transliteracy.
2. Create an inclusive learning environment, and safe space where a multitude of identities can have equitable access to marginalized literature and cultural diversity resources.
3. Make visible the collective histories of underrepresented populations and intersectionality of our communities' lives.
4. Uplift our legacy of resilience in order to strengthen our present day social movements.
We will fulfill our mission by providing:
• Improve access to existing materials.
• Value and foster the collective intelligence generated by high quality conversations among diverse people working together.
• Make efforts to ensure access is ubiquitous.
• “Cultivate community ties through collection development”.
• Counteract the current and repetitive traditional practices and library system which involves inherent inequalities
• Create physical space that is welcoming and conducive to conversation, knowledge sharing, collaboration, and research.
• Utilize departmental expertise in service and education provision.
UNCG, Curry Building Room 338,Greensboro, NC 27403
Página principal

Conexiones de miembros

Biblioteca interesante
Association of College Research Libraries WGSS
Intersectionality Information Alliance (Interlibra