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Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores
Jan 8, 2008
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
Eclectic. My tastes vary from YA lit to books with very large words. Long novels are my greatest love. Anything over 600 pages makes me giddy. I also tend to read books over and over again until the covers fall off and the pages disintegrate, in which case I promptly visit the nearest bookstore and replace it.

Sobre mí
I enjoy escapist fiction, for the most part. Very few books in my library are non-fiction, except for art-related materials. I love fantasy and historical fiction, with a few mystery, science fiction or romance novels thrown in for good measure. As long as I consider it well-written, or at least engaging, I'll read it. Craptastic books are considerately donated to Goodwill or my local library.
Macon, Georgia
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