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May 29, 2009
Nombre verdadero
Kristy Griffin Green
Sobre mi biblioteca
Let's be honest, folks... most of the books in my library are never going to win awards for great literature. They're never going to change the course of an entire generation. I just don't have tastes that rarified, and I'm not going to pretend that I do.

That being said, I do think they're damn well worth reading anyway. I read a ton of books, but I don't usually pay enough attention to remember them unless they rocked my world in at least some small way. Many of these books are old friends... the ones you curl up with to read for the fourteenth time because you just want to visit with those characters one more time. Others are a little more standoffish, but like people, sometimes those are the ones worth the extra effort to get to know them.

Anyway. I'm putting them out here because hopefully someone with similar tastes will run across the list and find something they hadn't seen or heard of before, and maybe they'll decide to try it, and maybe it'll rock their world in some small way too. :)

(A note: you know the old saw about don't judge a book by its cover? That applies doubly to anything published in the 80's. Some of the covers for some wonderful books are pretty durn tacky. Don't judge me. I didn't illustrate them.)
Sobre mí
Waitress in Orlando with too much free time, imagination, and intellect on my hands.
Orlando, FL
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