
Sobre mí
Ralph Terence Fairhead was born in Islington, London in 1930. Only at his christening was his first name used. Forever after he was known as "Terry". Educated at East Barnet Grammar School, he managed to frustrate his teachers and parents by twice failing to pass the School Certificate examination, before leaving at the age of 16. However, after a series of no-hope jobs, including 18 months National Service in the RAF, he finally committed himself to five years of study at night-school to end up with a Higher National Certificate in mechanical engineering at the age of 32. The real turning point in his life was when, in 1960, he met his future wife, Sylvia. They married in October of the same year and by 1964 had two children, David and Jane.
They moved to Meopham in Kent in 1963 where they have lived ever since, apart from engineering postings in Hong Kong (2 years), Cyprus (6 months) and Norway (3 1/2 years).
He started writing as a hobby in 1969 when he was asked to write an article on the family's stay in Hong Kong for the company's house magazine. Since then, he has had an article and some short stories published but, until he retired in 1994, was not able to devote the time to researching and writing a novel. In 2000 he was runner-up in the Churchill Theatre one-act play competition and has had a full-length play performed by Meopham Players.
Kent, UK
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