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Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Feb 16, 2015
Nombre verdadero
St. David's United Church
Sobre mi biblioteca
The SDUC library exists for the education and enjoyment of St. David's members, their families and friends. The library ebbs and flows largely according to the energies and interests of its volunteers. The collection is currently some 600 titles. We cull every 3 years or so, according to usage and our increasing sensitivity to language, gender and societal issues. Aside from works that we consider foundational to the development of emergent Christianity, very little remains that predates the 1980's. Because Calgary has superb public and university research library systems, we feel little need to extend our collection beyond its current mandate.
The SDUC library is available any time the church is open.
Sobre mí
St. David's United Church is a large, suburban congregation in Calgary, Alberta. We are members of the United Church of Canada (formed in 1925 by a national amalgamation of Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregationalist denominations). Members tend to be university educated and are active readers. While individual views vary widely, most St. D members would categorize themselves as progressive or emergent Christians.
Calgary, Alberta
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