Nombre verdadero
Surely you jest!
Sobre mi biblioteca
I am a voracious reader with an eclectic collection. Which helps me have an extensive vocabulary that includes words like "voracious", and "eclectic".
Currently reading the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer because I just couldn't stay off that bandwagon any longer!

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In case you come visit my profile, but haven't checked the "Name That Book" group lately, take a look and see if you can help me out! Thanks!

Hello fellow bibliophiles! I have been successful in finding all of my childhood favorites save ONE! I posted this on the Loganberry site, but someone else confused themselves as the OP, and it is listed as SOLVED, but it is not the book I am looking for. I am very happy for the other person, as they DID find the book they were looking for. I will try here, and hopefully someone will remember...

This book is about a young girl. I remember reading it in the early 70's, so it was written in the 50's, 60's, or possibly as late as '70 or '71. She had a secret hiding place she would go to at night, which was like a thicket, or brambles of some sort. At certain times, (possibly a full moon?) There would be a wolf, or some other similar animal, that was her friend, I think. There was something unusual about the color of the animal's eyes. There was also at the very end, some hint that the animal was really this man she knew, a handyman or gardener, or neighbor... as she noticed that he had the exact same color eyes.

My Wolf, My Friend (aka Sasha, My Friend) by Barbara Corcoran
String Of Time (aka Nightmare) by Irma Chilton (aka I.M. Chilton)
Girl in the Golden Bower by Jane Yolen
Sobre mí
I enjoy meditating, reading, photography, camping, cruises, snorkeling, movies, lilacs, beading, dragons, castles, eBay. I love TiVo so much I want to marry it. Almost everything I own is some shade of purple. I ADORE Sol-Mates mismatched socks, and Crocs. I am studying Buddhism and regularly attend my local Sangha services.

I have TONS more books/tags/ratings/reviews to input here, and am taking it kinda slow. I am having a great time here, and am so grateful for such a place!

I also wish with all my heart that I had a library in my home just like the one in the Beast's castle in Disney's Beauty and the Beast! (And I wish I lived in Candleshoe)
toledo, OH
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Librerías: A Novel Idea, Crazy Wisdom Bookstore & Tea Room, Encore Books, Frogtown Books, Grounds for Thought, Nanna's Bookstore, Reading Railroad: A Children's Bookshop, The Book Nook, Waldenbooks - Monroe

Bibliotecas: Toledo-Lucas County Public Library, Toledo-Lucas County Public Library - Maumee, Toledo-Lucas County Public Library - Sanger Branch, Toledo-Lucas County Public Library - West Toledo Branch, University of Toledo - Carlson Library, William T. Jerome Library

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