
Apr 24, 2009
Sobre mi biblioteca
I don't really know what I should say. It is what it is.. There's no rhyme or reason to it. I have motivational books that my father bought for me, books that my friend Tara has sent me. I like Anne Rice, Chuck Palahnuk, J.K. Rowling, Tolken. I enjoyed the Neverending Story. The Mists of Avalon was awesomeness. It was very hard for me to follow Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas, but seeing as how the whole thing was like one big mescaline/lsd trip with splashes of ether thrown into the mix, I don't feel too bad about it.
Sobre mí
I don't read much. I enjoy it when I can find a good book but after the book is done I stop reading. Help me! I need mental stimulation.. I fucking smoke so much weed just to escape from the drab, drone of reality. Give me some release. Give me books of far away lands. Where interesting, well rounded characters find themselves in complex situations. Where they go through personal journeys. Give me stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things and becoming extraordinary people through the process. Give my mind the means in which to soar!
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