
Nombre verdadero
Gwen Scarlet
Sobre mi biblioteca

Sadly the books I own are only a small cross section of books I read, or maybe not sadly, perhaps that is just the attitude of an old person. I have not had the ability to host a substantial collection of paper books in many a year now. What is primarily on this list comes from a buying spree c. 2014 I think.

I read very little fiction these days, and compared to my younger days, almost none. When I do read fiction it's not limited to genre or marketplace. Primarily I read poetry, free verse, philosophy, non-fiction, history, politics, religion, and theory nowadays.

There are many reasons for this but rather than boring you, the reader, with specifics, I will instead point you to the Lit Mag I co-edit, as the short fiction therein is top dollar and a very good example for what I *do* read, fiction wise.

The Viridian Door archive is located here. https://theviridiandoor.wixsite.com/main/archive

Sobre mí
Transgender Goddess
Activist, Model, Poet, Publisher. Sex Worker, Subversive.
Author of Creative Non-fiction, Erotica, Fantasy, and Science Fiction
Her work has appeared @corporeallitmag, @engenderedlit @gutslutpress, @lupercaliapress, @fahmidanjournal @redplanetmag @wickedgayways @365tomorrows, Beyond the Underground, the Gongfarmer’s Almanac and Madwomen in the Attic. She was a proud contributor to True Grits by @hearthandcoffin
Her first chapbook, a work of trans erotic liberation, the Ishtar Cycle, is available from @lupercaliapress
The Maenad writes about gender, class, sex, inequality, mental illness, and the intersection of these points, sometimes also writing about culture, games, space, futurism, and the human condition.
Always, thinking of other possible worlds and how best to help this one we all inhabit.
Find her and her work @dreaminggynoid and @scarlet_maenadum on IG.
the Emerald City, Oz
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