
Irish literature (90), American literature (42), Southern literature (38), American nonfiction (27), Books on books (21), Architecture (21), Southern literature reference (14), Irish-American literature (13), Irish nonfiction (12), American playwrights (11), Irish poetry (11), American fiction (10), Irish-American Memoir (10), British literature (9), Irish-American nonfiction (9), Irish mystery (9), Floridiana (9), Books about books (9), Irish-American fiction (9), American biography (9), American short stories (8), Irish memoir (8), American memoir (7), Mystery (7), Religion (6), Irish biography (6), Irish fiction (6), Irish literature reference (6), Irish traditional music (6), Russian literature (6), American literature reference (6), Baseball (5), Southern memoir (4), Southern essays (4), Southern fiction (4), Music biography (4), Irish-American literary reference (3), Irish history (3), Music (3), Irish American fiction (3), Adventure (2), Russian Literature (2), Travel (2), American poetry (2), American non-fiction (2), Literary reference (2), Irish-American history (2), Letters (2), Irish Nonfiction (2), American short story collections (2), Irish-American biography (2), Catholic religion (2), Irish short stories (2), British nonfiction (2), Irish American Memoir (2), Southern biography (2), British memoir (2), Irish literary reference (2), Irish-American Biography (1), Short story collections (1), Welsh literature (1), Southern Fiction (1), Dictionaries (1), Civil War fiction (1), Irish music (1), Canadian authors (1), Southern letters (1), Latin literature (1), American history (1), American Music (1), Memoir (1), Essays (1), Short story anthologies (1), European literature (1), Short stories (1), Books on books. (1), Irish American Essays (1), Irish playwrights (1), Irish-American non fiction (1), American Non-fiction (1), Irish-American playwrights (1), Biography (1), British literary biography (1), Poetry (1), Literature (1), floridiana (1), English memoir (1), Canadidan fiction (1), Irish-American Literature (1), Art (1), Southern mystery (1), Southern photography (1), American essays (1), English literature (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Apr 27, 2006
Sobre mi biblioteca
Books are arranged by American fiction and non-fiction, books about books, Southern literature and history, Irish-American literature and history, Chicago and Pittsburgh architecture, and Irish literature, folklore, poetry, history, memoir and music.

Best Books of 2010

1) Selected Stories, William Trevor

2) Bad Day in Blackrock, Kevin Power

3) Nashville Chrome, Rick Bass

4) In Other Rooms, Other Voices, Daniyal Mueenuddin

5) Burning Bright, Ron Rash

6) Freedom, Jonathan Franzen

7) All The Living, C.E. Morgan

8) Far Bright Star, Robert Olmstead

9) A Meaningful Life, L.J. Davis

10) Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter, Tom Franklin


1) Unbroken, A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption, Laura Hildenbrand

2) How to Live, Or a Life of Montaigne in One Question and 20 Attempts at an Answer, Sarah Bakewell

3) Raymond Carver: A Writer's Life, Carol Sklenicka

4) Composed: A Memoir, Rosanne Cash

5) Travels With Charley, John Steinbeck

6) Wolf: The Lives of Jack London, James Haley

7) John Barleycorn: Alcoholic Memoirs, Jack London

8) Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq's Green Zone, Rajiv Chandrasekaran
9) Little Chapel on the River, Gwendolyn Bounds

10) The Fall of the House of Zeus: The Rise and Ruin of America's Most Powerful Trial Lawyer, Curtis Wilkie

Sobre mí
Born in a little townland in Ireland called Kilrush in County Clare. Came to the U.S. as the age of 7 with my family and settled and grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Now living in the beautiful little town of Mount Dora, Florida with my wife and twelve-year old daughter, both of whom love to read!

The young lad in the middle of the picture holding the football is yours truly, taken many moons ago while living in Galway, Ireland.

Mount Dora, Florida
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