Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
my library consists of books by J.K.ROWLING,C.S.LEWIS,
R.L.STINE,ENID BLYTON,CHRISTOPHER PIKE,MARY KATE AND ASHLEY and AGATHA CHRISTIE.I also have a large number of classics,nancy drew and hardy boys books.i take great care of my books as every person with a collection of books does.
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Sobre mí
i am 13 years old.i started reading books at the age of 8.i love to hobbies include reading,watching movies ,every sort of painting and art and cleaning and decorating my home (with my mother ofcourse!! I dont do it all alone)I am in 9th grade and my teenage years are going pretty normal.
My Favourite quotes:
"Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late"-Ben Fraklin.
A wise man once said-"I dont know....Go ask a woman!!"*Haha*
Omariya,Kuwait,Earth,The Solar System,The Milky Way.
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