
contemporary (104), YA (75), humor (71), classic (66), Victorian (60), mystery (53), fantasy (49), buddy series (46), short stories (40), language (38), translation (35), coming-of-age (35), Sherlock Holmes (34), adventure (32), detective (32), romance (32), nonfiction (31), Edwardian (31), social criticism (27), Japan (24), pastiche (24), retro Victorian (23), magical realism (22), horror (21), sci-fi (21), Jeeves and Wooster (19), Gothic (17), theatre (16), GLBT (15), school stories (15), The Way We Live Now (14), magic (13), light novel (13), ghost story (13), monomyth (12), religion (12), trashy (12), ace book club (11), children's lit (11), female friendship (10), epic (10), animal narrator (9), poetry (9), morality (9), scientific romance (9), derring-do and stuff like you would never see (9), satire (8), mythology (8), family issues (8), classic Korman (8), novel of manners (8), afterlife (7), connection in an isolating age (7), alternate history (7), death (7), books that require popcorn (7), colonialism (7), cats (6), melodrama (6), folklore (6), surrealism (6), autobiography (6), darkest Africa (6), dystopia (6), women's issues (6), Cthulhu mythos (6), relationships (6), philosophy in a teacup (6), cheer up emo kid (6), angst (5), 1920s (5), thoroughly screwed-up relationships (5), authors who really obviously got their start on LJ (5), Canada (5), Grace Harlowe (5), unicorns (5), Basil of Baker Street (5), ...but with DRAGONS (5), meta (5), that WAS my brain (5), sex and drugs (5), unrealistically saccharine children (5), potboiler (5), parody (4), American Indian (4), paranormal (4), Regency (4), suspense (4), Macdonald Hall (4), aging (4), take THAT English major (4), steampunk (4), Napoleonic War (4), Allan Quatermain (4), graphic violence (4), Bruno and Boots (4), postmodernism (4), postmodern (4), spirituality (4), America (4), time travel (4), not that we're pushing an agenda or anything (4), retro Regency (4), snark (4), vampires (3), Buddhism (3), pop culture (3), authors against whom I have such a bias that my opinion is not reliable (3), Bloomsbury (3), family (3), pretentious (3), someone would like to share his opinions now (3), fairy tale (3), German (3), PTSD (3), cozy mystery (3), nontraditional families (3), writing (3), Discworld (3), CLAMP (3), scenery porn (3), travel (3), un-PC (3), essays (3), conspiracy theories (3), Christmas (3), Dungeons and Dragons (3), what is this I don't even (3), sensation fiction (3), Ireland (3), Dragonlance (3), camp (3), parallel lives (3), psychological (3), novels that deconstruct themselves (3), things that go bump in the night (3), nostalgia (3), fairy tales (3), and yet oddly entertaining (3), suicide (3), self-discovery (3), stream of consciousness (3), aliens (3), Austen (3), decadence (3), paranoia (3), Spiritualism (3), urban fantasy (3), Utopia (3), Absurdism (3), someone should probably not have been tapped to write that intro (3), politics (3), Psmith (3), retro medieval (2), God will get those noisy kids off your lawn for you (2), this is a subject that probably cannot be handled with dignity (2), take that English major (2), coming of age (2), here there be pirates (2), obsession (2), I fear I cannot take this as seriously as it deserves (2), this would probably have worked better as manga (2), Charlie Mortdecai (2), Dracula (2), Cat Who (2), self-insert RPF (2), people with very high blood pressure (2), books (2), Dante (2), after the last train has left (2), a distance there is (2), secret gardens (2), finding religion behind the couch (2), did you see what I did there - I could spell it out for you some more (2), the vagina is not a dark abyss (2), I would be impressed by how incredibly unrepentant the misogyny is but you know (2), Italian (2), very obviously a first novel (2), Romantic (2), supernatural (2), Spokane (2), AIDS (2), WWII (2), epistolatory novel (2), shamanism (2), zombies (2), fluff (2), 9/11 (2), cricket (2), alcoholism (2), multi-generational (2), road trip (2), slice of reservation life (2), China (2), horses (2), exploration (2), depression (2), WWI (2), spiritualism (2), academia (2), time (2), occult (2), culture (2), Arthurian (2), travelogue (2), espionage (2), modern fairy tale (2), novella (2), thriller (2), sociology (2), sexuality (2), character sketches (2), racism (2), American South (2), self-reflection taken to extremes (2), roman a clef (2), that I was reading Buddhist parables as an eight-year-old explains so much (2), memoir (2), thieves (2), power of love (2), Haida (2), haunted house (2), The Last Unicorn (2), unintentionally humorous (2), quest (2), action (2), children (2), Blandings Castle (2), Old West (2), Lord Peter Wimsey (2), Literature that is trying way too hard to earn that capital L (1), proto-Twilight (1), so business as usual in GLBT lit (1), seriously unicorns people (1), construction and deconstruction (1), remind me again why men get to make decisions about birth control (1), I do not know why I expected good taste from a book with tentacle zombies (1), the woosh of things going over my head (1), military otaku (1), next time we get the annotated version (1), I feel like I just read someone's (1), someone does not understand the purpose of a bibliography (1), massive childhood trauma (1), roadtrip through history (1), what fourth wall (1), except I like Murakami better (1), anyway they love each other very much (1), also Chippewa (1), self-loathing gay people self-destructing (1), if even I figure out the mystery by page 5 it's a bad sign (1), well actually more like an illustrated book (1), Haida manga (1), English country novels (1), a family tree or six might have been helpful (1), Nigerian-American (1), historical fiction is not an excuse to indulge your prejudices (1), through the years and far away (1), enough national stereotypes to fill a chapter of Hetalia (1), citation needed (1), wait you mean this isn't a Cat Who book (1), extremely dated social issues (1), ponies (1), immaculate conceptions (1), Sturm und Drang (1), Antarctica (1), class issues (1), bibliophiles (1), could not finish (1), angels (1), Shakespeare (1), 1950s (1), social work (1), 1930s (1), feminism (1), dogs (1), science fantasy (1), comedy (1), dragons (1), speculative fiction (1), King Arthur (1), stiff upper lip (1), killer unicorns (1), I guess (1), found photographs (1), MG (1), Irish (1), SF (1), Catholicism (1), ghost hunters (1), 20th century (1), social commentary (1), local color (1), tidying (1), Ukridge (1), Mr. Mulliner (1), Nero Wolfe (1), heroic age (1), corvids (1), Ojibwe (1), clearly self-edited (1)
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Feb 19, 2007
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