
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mí
My name is Kelly, and I am a 30-something, single girly living in Ohio. Books are my main passion in life. I am constantly reading something, and like to write about what I have read.

I’ve been writing book reviews on and off for over 6 years. I finally decided I needed a home for them, and thus, this site was born. Because my reviews had no home for a long time and I took a break from writing the reviews, there is a gap in my archives. Not to worry! I am working on filling in the holes!

In addition to posting my reviews here, you can find them on Amazon.com and Goodreads.

What Genres Do You Read?

I read a little bit of everything: contemporary fiction, YA, mystery, suspense, urban fantasy, science fiction, and others I am sure I am forgetting. If you look through the category listing, you will get a feel for the kinds of books I read. The only genre I flat out refuse is Romance (things of the Danielle Steele ilk). Those stories just don’t hold my attention. Everything else is up for grabs. Why? Do you have a recommendation for me?? :)

Do You Accept Books From Authors or Publishing Companies?

Yes, yes I do. But here’s the thing. I’ve been writing reviews for a long time. I have received free books from authors before. While I appreciate the free book, it does not purchase my opinion. I’ll read your book, but I will give my honest opinion of that book.

What Is Your Favorite Book?

I don’t mean to sound flip, but there is no such thing. Just like I do not have a favorite song or movie. There’s too many to choose from.
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